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the effective means of eliminating bullying in schools and workplaces

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 the effective means of eliminating bullying in schools and workplaces

11th August 2020

The research examines the effective means of eliminating bullying in schools and workplaces. The study also examines the main causes of bullying in workplaces and schools. Examining the causes helped in coming with effective solutions towards bullying.  The study also uses a metanalysis procedure by examining about four articles that aided in coming up with findings important for the study. The researcher chose the articles as they have various interventions for orienting bullying in schools and workplaces. The research states that the various causes of bullying in the workplace are stressful and unclear policies among employees.  In school, the main cause is frustration and childhood abuse. Therefore, the policies change approach in the study is used to eliminate bullying in schools and workplaces. There are also programs such as the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, which are effective means of eliminating bullying in schools. The conclusion includes a summary of the whole research.

Writing the research paper helped me in writing the research topic of my choice. I was able to gain a lot of knowledge and expertise on the various interventions used to eliminating bullying in schools and workplaces. Being knowledgeable will help me write good essays in the future. The skill gained from research writing will be key when writing my reports in my future career. Research writing helped me understand that effective communication through report writing is important is every company.  The research skills attained from proposal writing helped me develop creative skills to help me succeed in my future dream job. Writing helped me become a good time planner as I was able to submit the research paper before the deadline.






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