The experience I would write about would be a hit and run incident I witnessed two years ago while in a taxi. I had intended to rush somewhere, and I insisted on a faster pace. Our vehicle hit and possibly killed a child crossing the road, and without hesitation, we flew off.
I went with this particular story because it reflects how rotten we are as people. And how our rottenness has become part of the identity of the society as a whole. That is, we would rather live with guilt than take responsibility for our actions. Assumedly, we don’t value other people’s lives as we were raised to be; instead, we discard them like meat.
Satire fits perfectly in tailoring the story because, through humor, sarcasm, irony, and ridicule. I get to criticize, educate, and denounce that incident. At the same time, I still write something entertaining to read.
The lesson my story would reflect is that every life is precious, and every crime, no matter how big or small should never go unpunished. The experience is necessary because we’re living in a world where people have little to no value for human life. Through the story, I would like to teach people that all human life has value no matter how young, old, rich, or unfortunate that particular individual is—their life matters.