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The Gettysburg Address

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The Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address is one of the greatest to have ever been made by an American leader. While the speech only has 272 words, it carries so much weight that the depth of the issues addressed are just as relevant today as they were on November 19, 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln took the podium to address a gathering of more than 15,000 people. One can only understand the context of the speech after taking a historical tour of the events that had befallen the United States at the time. Notably, the country’s unity was being threatened by a deadly civil unrest. Specifically, the Battle of Gettysburg that pitted the union forces against the confederates had left more than 50,000 soldiers dead. The two groups had differing ideologies that spurred their animosity against each other. The former believed in a country where all people were equal as envisioned by the nation’s founding fathers, while latter believed in the continuation of white supremacy and slavery. Although the Union had won the Battle of Gettysburg, they still needed re-assurance that they were fighting for a good course, and President Lincoln’s address could not have come at a better time.

Every word in the speech is well-thought and calculated to evoke the desired emotions. From the first sentence, one gets the feeling that President Lincoln was happy that the Union soldiers had defeated the Confederates. However, he was also calculative not to antagonize the citizens. The speech is carefully worded to encourage commitment to the spirit of the nation’s founders. For instance, the speech begins by reminding people of the country’s history, struggles, and its triumph over negative ideologies, such as slavery. By asserting that the country’s forefathers delivered a new nation during the Declaration of Independence, the President sought to remind the citizens to never forget of the nation’s dark past and always fight for a better country. The choice of the word forefathers is a psychological tool meant to remind readers that the United States is a family. While differences in a household are unavoidable, people who share the same blood must never allow such misunderstandings to divide them. In essence, the first sentence in President Lincoln’s speech was an assurance that no matter how hard the situation got, the United States would still emerge stronger like it had always done in the past.

While reading through the speech, one cannot help but notice President Lincoln’s admiration and appreciation for the Union soldiers who fought to protect the unity of the country. He adds that the world might forget everything that had been said at the gathering but the fighters’ sacrifices will forever be remembered. Such sentiments were meant to encourage individuals who had doubts regarding the relevance of the war or their actions that their efforts would never go unnoticed. Through such words, the President was calling on all people to be vigilant and ready to defend the country at any cost. At some point, the speech directly asks citizens to emulate the fallen soldiers and take over from where they left. “It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced” (The Gettysburg Address).  Such statements further underpin the leader’s commitment to achieving a country where all people are free, safe, and have equal opportunities to pursue their dreams. The speech reminds people that while living in such a country is great, achieving the vision would have to come at a heavy cost. In the quest for this dream, people would lose lives and property and their livelihoods would be disrupted but the fruits of their sacrifice would be sweet. Notably, asking people to fight is not an easy thing due to the repercussions that come with wars. However, President Lincoln, through this speech, did a remarkable job at outlining why the fight was necessary.

The speech’s tone is firm and threatening to the Confederates. In fact, its shortness adds to its seriousness. In just a few words, President Lincoln manages to not only ally the fears of the Union soldiers and encourage them to fight for what they believe in but also successfully passes a message to those seeking to divide the nation. The leader’s concluding remarks are not only powerful but they also show his stand. Normally, presidents should strive to unite their nations and ensure that every person works towards their counties’ common goals. Additionally, the heads also have a responsibility of keeping every citizen safe. In this case, President Lincoln seems to have weighed all the options available and realized that striking a conciliatory tone would not work. Thus, he sought to warn enemies that any continued aggression towards the Union forces would be met with equal wrath. He sums the address by saying that those who died in the war did not lose their lives in vain. Rather, their contribution to the nation building project was immeasurable. Furthermore, he promises that the United States shall not perish, which affirms his commitment to destroying the country’s enemies.

In my view, the Gettysburg Address is a reminder of that no challenge is insurmountable when people put their minds to solving them. When the speech was made, civil wars were threatening to undo the gains the country had made since independence. The vision of a united country where everyone was equal was not impressive to some, especially the defenders of slavery and white supremacy. Thus, rebellion was bound to arise at some point. However, many people believed in the dream of the country’s founding fathers and chose to protect it. Sadly, many lives were lost. I see the Gettysburg Address as an affirmation that all things are possible if people decide to unite and work towards the common good. President Lincoln gave the speech at a time when citizens were at their lowest, having lost lives and property. However, the leader gave them a reason to continue defending what they believed was right. Therefore, the speech underscores the role of political leaders in steering people towards a common direction.

Overall, the speech is relevant today as it was then, especially in light f the upcoming elections and the Covid-19 crisis. The United States need encouragement and reassurance that everything will be alright as long as each person plays their part. When citizens unite for a common good, they can difficult any enemy that threatens their stability. Notably, the President’s speech does not ignore the differences and uniqueness within each individual. Instead, the address calls on people to overlook such factors in times of tragedies and unite for a common purpose.

Work Cited

“The Gettysburg Address”. Rmc.Library.Cornell.Edu,































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