The HVAC system
HVAC is one of the essential parts of the buildings like residential, commercial, etc. the performance and the building sustainability have risen in the HVAC system. It is responsible for controlling the temperature, humidity, and air quality that provides a comfortable environment for the people and the equipment in particular buildings. Heating can be done in the building using the radiator and the supply system of air. The ventilation maintains the clean air space, and it extracts the pollutants from the air. It also responsible for the circulating internal air and eliminates the moister. It is achieved with the help of a mechanical system by the fans. The air conditioners minimize the temperature and maintain the appropriate humidity using the cooling system. This system aims to strengthen the 75 degrees F, 40% to 60% humidity, supports the ventilation standard. This system is responsible for more than 40% energy use of commercial buildings. The owner and the government are trying to improve this system’s efficiency with the help of cost reduction, consumption of energy, and greenhouse gas emission. This system is essential during the architectural design of the building. This system’s success is directly related to the comfort level of the building, and it requires a high amount of investment. It is a large number of operating expenses of the building. There are many types of HVAC systems used in construction, such as centralized, packaged, and individual, and the centralized system is the single system that supplies the requirement of the HVAC of the building. The package system is used without appropriate space for all the individual components in the building. The separate system provides the energy using all the units in different locations of the building.
The HVAC system needs to be appropriate with the architecture of the building. The design of this system should initialize at the early stage, making sure the DOE requirement is fulfilled. It requires the entire architecture of the building and the engineer, which considers the appropriate HVAC system. The safety factor needs to be measured while installing the extensive equipment of this system. The equipment of this system needs to be sized proper way in which should include the allowance for the risks. It can eliminate the wasteful capacity to utilize the modular system appropriately that can be expanded in the upcoming days. The maintenance of this system should be bi-annual through licensed professionals. The maintenance should include the air filter replacement, transfers the clean coils to the heat pumps, repairing the fan motors, etc. The significant savings can be achieved by adjusting the temperature to the appropriate level, such as lower temperature in winter and higher summer temperatures. It can be beneficial for savings the bills of the HVAC system. Loads of this system can be different in different parts of the building through a single day of the time period. The programmable thermostat can control the switch automatically in the rooms of the building. EMS and BEMS manage the HVAC system of the building. Thus these system needs to be integrated with the HAVC system for automatic responses.