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The Increasing Number of Suicides within Military Ranks

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The Increasing Number of Suicides within Military Ranks

Hypothetical Methodology for Studying Research Topic

The methodology for testing the relationship between the increasing number of suicide cases within those who are in the military ranks is carrying out the case study. The case study will involve observing the religious life of a group of those who are in the military rank who have presented the cases associated with suicide ideation, bipolar, or unipolar depression. Therefore, the data will be collected from the focused group of people in the military rank. In the case study, there will be an observation of their frequency of attending the religious services, the belief in the presence of supreme beings. Also, they are likely to successfully executing suicide ideas. The result from the case studies will be compared to the rest of the military population who have been diagnosed with these conditions and are not involved in religious life. The data obtained will be qualitatively analyzed through the pattern matching method. If there is a coincidence between the number of the military participated in the observed and the number of suicide cases, then it will be concluded that there is a correlation between religion and suicide for those in the military rank.

Rationale Justifying Studying the Topic

The research is critical to study in determining the increased suicide among those in the military ranks since the significant finding from it will determine the means principle to be applied to reduce the risk. There has been an ever-increasing number of suicides within the military ranks, and this has created a worrying trend. Religiosity experience has been considered to be a source of confidence and hope in many people. There are different hypothesis that has been made to link reduction in risk of depression in times mounting stress, and this facilitates recovery and also diminishes the risk of suicide. The religiosity experienced also acts as a source of fear, and guilt may also have the opposite effects as it creates confidence and social bonding in God. The proposal seeks to consider how religion relates to the increasing suicide cases among those with military rank. The rationale for focusing on religion in bipolar and unipolar depression is because depression has been considered to be a major risk factor for committing suicide (World Health Organization, 2019). However, it is yet to be established it has not been known if the relationship between suicide risk and depression is the same among non-clinical samples and depressed military personnel since depression has the potential of shaping an experience of a person with religion. The proposal seeks to determine how the frequency of attending religious services might affect them in relation to the suicidal risk factors.  Therefore, the finding of this research is likely to make a unique contribution to military suicide and religion since the analysis will relate the religion and suicide risks. The findings will be used according to advise the military personnel on the measures to take to ensure that the risks of suicide are lowered.  The psychiatrist will also use the findings of the study in the military settings for the management of depression among the military personal to ensure that the risk of suicide among the people is significantly reduced.  The relation between military religion and suicide has not been given a lot of attention, and there are limited data that can be referred; therefore, this research will be essential for referring to this relationship.




World Health Organization. (2019, September 2). Suicide. WHO | World Health Organization. Retrieved August 4, 2020, from



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