After taking the Keirsey’s online temperament test, I realized that I fall in the Guardian category. Guardians make the largest part of the global population, 40% to 45%. They are regarded as the cornerstone of society since they are committed to preserving traditions and institutions. The guardians are best suited for supervision, inspection, provision, and protection jobs, from the four variants defined by the Myers-Briggs test. Guardians have their greatest strength in logistics and express a desire to maintain order and accountability. Furthermore, they tend to seek acceptance from others, making them good cooperators and supporters. Other guardian qualities include discipline, practicality, and loyalty (Keirsey, 2020).
I believe the guardian temperament to be the perfect description of myself. I am that person who is always talking about my everyday life, work events, and family rather than discussing new ideas, suggesting that I am concrete. I find satisfaction in doing logical work that comprises of details. I am always ready to do what is right, no matter the circumstances. This shows I am cooperative. However, I think that I have several artistic and musical talents that put me in the Artisan personality trait. But Keirsey considers the dominant characteristics making them more dependable. As a result, I do believe that Keirsey’s temperament sorter is an accurate personality indicator.
However, many guardians tend to love comfort zones and can stay in it unless they are pushed. As a result, it is the work of managers to motivate the employees to do better (Moorhead & Griffin, 2008). First, a manager should analyze their excuses (address the fears), give them some supervised time to worry, normalize the experience and support them throughout their hard times (try to make them do something new). These strategies help the relaxing guardians adapt and grow, which usually is one of their weakest areas.
Guardians are hardworking, dependable, and loyal. They have a natural talent to manage goods and services. Due to their logical characteristics, they can work as accountants and engineers.