The Myers- Briggs personality
The Myers- Briggs personality type indicator is a questionnaire tool or a self-report inventory tool designed to help a person identify his character traits. The traits could include strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, career preferences, and comparability with other people. According to the Myers-Briggs model highlight that acknowledging your strengths, weaknesses as well as understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your partners is very helpful. Some importance of knowing your personalities include a better understanding of other people i.e., after knowing your characters, you might have a better understanding of all the different reactions and perceptions towards other people or colleagues. Secondly, by identifying your likes and dislikes, you might be able to understand why you prefer certain things and dislike others. Thirdly, knowing your personalities helps you know the situations that allow you to perform your best. It will enable you to realize new ways to approach your problems.
Personality has a lot to do with how we relate with other people both at a personal level or at work. Our thinking, feelings, and rational behaviors characterize what our friends and colleagues expect from us both in behavior and the expectation of their interaction with us. When you expect someone to act in a particular way, it becomes easier to socialize with them based on their personality. Behaving differently from our normal personality traits may make other people we interact with take a lot of time to adjust to the situation. Extraverts are people who tend to be action-based. They love frequently socializing with others and do get more encouraged after their interactions. Introverts are thought-oriented and only enjoy meaningful interactions hence feel energized after spending more time alone. Knowing where you fit helps you conduct yourself and have pleasant interactions with both friends and colleagues at the workplace without misunderstanding others. Sensing – intuition. Sensing people tend to look at the reality of the information they get, whereas those who give their attention to things like diagrams, patterns, and impressions and therefore helping them convey information that may not cause conflict. People take more time judging others based on their perception. Knowing one’s personality helps in making the correct perception and right judgment towards others.
The question of whether our personality affects our performance has been asked several times and is very relevant. Knowing your characters helps you choose a career that suits your traits. Working on a project that fits, you will automatically lead to better performance as compared to working on a project that doesn’t match your traits. Every employer in the world today is continually looking for highly effective and productive individuals. Personality affects all aspects of an individual’s performance, including how he responds to situations on a job. It can have implications both on individual performance and team performance. It’s vital as an employer to identify the character traits of all employees and assign them jobs or duties that are related to their personality and also group them accordingly as per their traits. According to the Myers – Briggs model, extraverts work best in positions where they interact with others. An extravert, therefore, can increase customer relations and boost the attitudes of others as well by being happy and upbeat. Introverts, on the other hand, like working on projects that keep them on closed doors. These traits helped one to identify a career that best fits his personality, thereby leading to better performance. Some employees tend to work better with the presence of motivation and recognition. As an employer, you should always keep the employees running at the full stream by understanding what motivates them. Understanding their personality will make you motivate and recognize accordingly and hence ripping the best out of them. Generally, personality affects how one interacts with his colleagues, clients, and managers. It may also have an impact on one’s career and job satisfaction.
Personality is quite stable overall. Recent researches (coaching) conducted on changes in scores shows that changes in reassessments on personality scores are infrequent and not easy to be recognized. These changes are due to methodological reasons related to the assessment conducted but not due to meaningful reasons specific to an individual. The research also shows that assessment results may change due to psychological factors such as life events, intentional efforts sand maturation. However, such changes are always not meaningful or very large, and that isn’t easy to interpret. Therefore, whenever changes are realized in the reassessment results, it is best to verify if the differences are due to changes in the forms or norms used in conducting the assessments first.