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The Next Generation of Celebrity Entrepreneurs: Fotios Tsiouklas and Alan Gokoglu

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The Next Generation of Celebrity Entrepreneurs: Fotios Tsiouklas and Alan Gokoglu

Behind each successful innovation are individuals who took the initiative and dared to penetrate the risky environment. Most innovators are driven by zeal and curiosity to explore new areas and try new ideas. Such was the case for the Australian youngest millionaires, Fotios Tsiouklas and Alan Gokoglu. Fotios and Alan ventured into the business world at a very young age and tried out several ideas they had in mind.

Little Unknown Facts About Fotios and Alan

Fotios and Alan are well known in Melbourne, just like celebrities rappers. Nevertheless, their entrepreneurship skills have differentiated them from other artists like rappers. Having to leverage their achievements, press, and manage their club businesses has attracted a diverse range of people who curiously want to learn and find solutions from these gurus. The young generation identifies with Fotios and Alan from the nightclubs they own and more so by being in the tech industry. You will quickly notice their presence when in shopping centers and through constant messaging on social media.

What is Their Strategic Marketing Approach?

Following the formation of a business partnership between Fotios and Alan, they took the digital platform by surprise and have become the most influential young tech entrepreneurs and role models. With the establishment of Kickspan- a website that was created as a basic growth service for Instagram that involved clients signing up for cheap software, they have developed automated software-based marketing solutions, a success resulting from their combined yet diverse range of skills.

Through their partnership in 2015-2018, they sold over 100 apps at a total of $360,000 through a website called The revenues enabled them to build a team of employees and marketers to stir up the apps’ sales, thus automating the business.

2016, led to the development and sale of app collection ” Math Academy” a video course and proven model with each app sale teaching the buyers how to advertise and effectively monetize apps to make profits online.

The strategic marketing approach of using celebrities to push their products has made them achieve significant milestones. Having superstars as their brand ambassadors have made their advertising strategy a complete success. When launching Clout the game, Fotios and Alan collaborated with artists like Supreme Patty, XXXTENCION, and YBN Nahmir. Clout the game is an outcome of a collaboration between them and their marketer, Kuei Kuei. Clout the game was rated at the top 10 apps in 2018 in the App Store in the USA.


Furthermore, the Clout Franchise extends to Clout Tv, and Clout records, which, if searched online, has over 100,000 Subscribers and followers.

Focusing on helping young children aged between 3-6 years, the two gurus have innovated Tiny Town, an app comprising ten different concepts to help children learn through fun, innovative, and educational arcade games.

With a vast and very talented hand-picked app development team of experts, they can build anything your imagination holds. They as well have experienced designers with a great understanding of how tech products should flow and operate. The team is based in Melbourne and is ready to help in all tech development areas at base price.


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