Hello, friends here we are again, another first, another trip down memory lane.
Just like all the great stories we were friends and this time around it wasn’t all in my head, he liked me too. I struggled with the idea of being in a relationship because it meant relenting my power to him. I had a twisted view of what being a girlfriend meant, and in my mind, it involved a lot of submissiveness. I liked him but not enough to be the wind beneath his wings.
After what seemed like an eternity of endless flirtatious text messages and calls, we finally decided to go on a date and “taste the waters”. Needless to say, the date was a success and we even connected on a level the only cupid can explain. Is this love? Wait am IN LOVE, or is my mind playing me again?
Like a perfect gentleman, he settled the bill and even asked for desert. Now ladies…….when a man asks for dessert you get into position and become his mind-blowing desert right!! I knew then and there that was a queue for what was about to happen, mind-blowing midnight ……….conversations.
Stay focused friends; this is not that kind of blog.
We left the café, and 15 minutes later we were at my mother’s house saying our goodbyes. He all of a sudden seemed timid, and I didn’t understand why. I thought we had a beyond perfect date; we single-handedly put cupid out of business. But now he was shy he seemed disconnected and in a hurry to leave.
My state of confusion was becoming intolerable, and I did the unimaginable and kissed him, I wasn’t about to waste a perfectly good date on the premise of his abnormal behaviour. One minute later, we unlocked our lips, and I left without a care in the world and no shame to spare.
You must be wondering what happened after that night, right? Let’s say am still single, and so is he.