The pre-existence of human beings
Philosophers have a wide range of justification inclined to the pre-existence of human beings. Before human nature is born, many things interplay to make a difference between the three stages of human passage. Human beings have a life before they are born and the soulful experience. The following are several rationales of what exactly happen s before we are born.
Islam believes that souls have been made in adult form and the father of humanity, Adam by God. The Quran described when Adam’s descendants were brought before God to testify that God is one. Again, from a biological point of view, life starts after conception. This implies that we still lived even before we were born. Hence there is life before we are born. At understanding, the zygote implanters itself in the walls of the uterus, where it forms temporal habitat. The fetus starts growing gradually. During fetal development, the body parts are made, including the head, hands, legs, and other tangible body parts. During fetal development, the mental system is set, and the fetus is made to function normally.
In the uterus of the pregnant mother, the fetus is enclosed by the amniotic fluid. The fetus uses this fluid in several ways that include prevention of shock and as a bathing fluid that keeps the fetus well and comfortable. During the nine months of pregnancy, the fetus eats through the umbilical cord. The nutrients for fetal development are extracted from the mother through the umbilical cord. At this time, the fetus enjoys life regularly. The fetus plays, nights of sleep, wakes up, and lives a comfortable life until it is born.
During the nine months before we are born, we usually communicate with our mothers. For instance, it is believed that the occurrences where a pregnant mother hates someone, it is the unborn baby who dislikes the person and it communicates to the mother to reflect the needs and feelings of the unborn. Again, philosophers argue that at times the unborn relates to the mother on the nutrients of interest and the one it is not interested in. For instance, the unborn can demand a particular nutrient, which can be reflected by the mother craving for a certain kind of food.
Lastly, the supernatural occurrence is evidenced before we are born. This incidence is the possession of a soul. Since life starts at conception, it implies that the unborn possesses the soul and is a responsible human being living before it is born.