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The Proscenic M7 Pro

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The Proscenic M7 Pro is best known by its high number of sensors that lets it navigate through your home with ease without you being around. With the 24 sensors, Proscenic M7 Pro is able to scan your house intelligently, locate obstacles, then plan the mopping exercise without evading any room.

With an upgraded suction power of 2700Pa and a 17.7cm suction inlet, you can be assured of perfect mopping service at any time on any type of floor.

The unique feature of Proscenic M7 Pro is that it doubles up as a mop and vacuum, so you don’t need to have two separate robots for home cleaning.


Where to Buy


Amazon is the world’s largest online shopping platform with several collections of robot mops. You can access the Amazon website from anywhere you are and make an order, then the product will be shipped to you at a cost. This is different from other online shopping platforms like Proscenic that offers free shipping. is a smart home appliance manufacturer and seller. As renowned developers, they have good customer reputation and offer you great quality smart home appliances, including the robot mops like the Proscenic M7 Pro mop. They have an added advantage for you as they offer you a free shipping service once you make an order with them.


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