The Starry Night painting
This painting, The Starry Night, was done by Van Gogh to his brother Theo. Also, it has inspired me due to its appearance and its attractive colors. This painting is dominated by stars and a moon at the center that filled night sky. It has intensely swirling patterns that seem like waves across its surfaces. In the far east, it reflects a crescent moon and the morning star. Underneath this sky, there is a hushed village having houses that seem equally spaced, and at the center, there is a church. Then, there is a cypress tree sitting at the foreground of this scene of the night. This cypress serves as a link between the earth and the sky. Symbolically, this cypress tree is seen as a bridge between life as presented by the earth and death as presented by the sky. Typically, cypress trees are regarded as mourning trees. Since this painting, The Starry Night was mainly based on direct observations and also imaginations of Van Gogh. For instance, the church is a resemblance to those native Holland, who was not in France.
In both, there is this connection of attracting colors that capture most people’s attention. There is a presence of smart backgrounds in both, and they are situated in places where one has to have some questions about it. For instance, in both, the background they are located seems to be dominant and lonely, despite their beautiful nature. Based on similarities, different colors are used in different artwork. Focussing on The Starry Night is based on both the earth and the sky while my picture concentrates on two kids in a bushy place praying. Symbolically, the kids play in areas that seem to be dominant and dangerous while they are alone since any hazard thing can arise. In connection, based on the painting of The Starry Night, the sky represents the death, which can be included in the hazardous situations that may arise. On the other hand, the humble kids playing in my picture correspond with the earth in the artwork representing a good life.