The Three Mile Island And Love Canal
One of the symbolic representations of conk out in technology is the Three Mile Island and the Love canal. The two are known to have undergone some of the most detrimental environmental destruction caused by human recklessness. Both cases involve the inappropriate handling of radioactive materials. In the Three Mile Island, the operators who incompetent shut crucial water cooling conduits bringing the reactor to a meltdown. In Cave Canal, construction workers dug out radioactive wastes that channeled through the neighborhood. The two demonstrate the carelessness and underestimation of potential mishaps by humans. The areas were rendered uninhabitable and caused severe health issues to those affected.
The lack of environmental registration since the 1980s demonstrates salient recklessness and unwillingness to prevent potentially hazardous environmental accidents from occurring. The ecological destruction continues to exacerbate with no sign of anyone campaigning against it. Further, the situation is escalated by the fact that Congress is reluctant to push for environmental protection laws. This means that those in Congress lack the required focus and insights into what is happening in the environment. Congress and other leaders should focus on recuperating the environment.
One of the most salient topics of discussions of this year is racism. While racism may be prevalent in society over the years, some of the cases labeled as racism are not; instead, they are acts of exploitation of power. Exploiting power is common, and most of the time, it hides under racism and thereby lowering the chances of being distinguished. When the powerful take action on a person of the opposite color, racism is invoked, whereas politics is what ought to be raised. Racism has moral weight and therefore gets to be treated with bias.
The endangered species of the Snail Darter fish raised controversies in the country that led to the halting of the Tellico dam project, which could have destroyed the fish’s habitat. I agree with the court ruling on saving the species. As noted by Congress, allowing the engendered species to go instinct may have profound impacts on humans. The conclusion would have been the same if the dam project posed a danger to a creature such as an alligator. It would, however, depend on whether the dam could have destroyed the alligator’s habitat. All animals, regardless of their size, ought to be preserved.