The White Slave
The song “The White Slave” is about a young girl who was working in a room where clothes were being washed. She used to stay in an unpleasant area which was very cold. The girl used to buy all that she ate because the Boss provided no food for her. Most of the time she spent alone, and her health had depreciated gradually. The one old woman could comfort her by encouraging her.
Teachings from the song
The song teaches us that we should be caring. The Boss himself is not caring at all since he doesn’t care about the employee(The girl)and he even pays her little salary (It’s the Boss that pays starvation wages). The old woman cares for this girl by encouraging her and giving her words of comfort by singing a chorus to give hope for the future (Automobiles to ride in, diamond and silk to wear.
The song teaches us that we should be humble. The young girl in her simple life humbles herself before the Boss. She respects him so much and works well in the laundry without any coercion from the Boss (walks all alone, along the river). The little wages she receives as payment from the Boss pays for her food and shows humility before Boss. The Boss in a way was feared by the girl and respected too.
The song teaches us that we should appreciate our current situations. The persona terms this girl as homeless and lived a very humble life. The old woman comforts her by showing her the sense of acceptance to the present situation and work for the best in future (you will be a star bright, down in the red light), (you will make your fortune there).this is an indication that we should accept our situations and hope for the best in the near future.