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Theory Critique Template

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             NSG5002 Week 5

Theory Critique Template



Title of Paper (not bold)



Background (bold)


Theorist’s Background (bold)

The Meta-Theorists of Nursing have in the past-developed concerns about the different patient’s life season that promotes and support the middle range theory development in the nursing field. The reason for this is that these theories continuously support specific illness and health issues instead of discussing general issues. This specific illness and health issues continuously focus on the mid-range theories that are specifically important for any practicing nurse since they place a spotlight on a specific problem and reasonable solutions.


Theory Development in Nursing History

The nursing theories were incorporated by practicing nurses into their research than applied practically into the real situation in the year 1970s and 1980s. Many early nursing theories were categorized as grand nursing theories considering that these concepts described the various theories focusing on general practice nursing. According to some studies, nursing researchers applied grand nursing theories in their studies with difficult applications because of the wide breadth of models. Accordingly, meta-theorists worked more on this particular field and came up with the middle range theories that specifically focus on a specific aspect of interest in practical nursing thus nurses focus on easy practical applications where these theories work as a setting. This theory of spiritual well-being is based on the fact that human beings are in a possession of psychological and physical nature while a spiritual being has the capacity of accepting various experiences like sufferings and pain in his or her nature. With time, clinical nurses have observed that ill patients increase beyond restraining psychological and physical death to live an amazingly prolific and encouraging

The Book of Ecclesiastes is the same as the nursing theorists since it recognizes the need for caring for the sick since there is a time to be born and a time to die. There is also a time for planting and a time to harvest what one had planted before. It is evident that they know their lives as patients there exists time for every matter that is under the heaven. Therefore, the “grand theorists” early nurses developed the idealistic conceptual schemes that seek to address the possible seasons of a patient’s life. Accordingly, the nurse met theorists developed some sensitive unique and varied patient’s lives season having encouraged these theories development at the middle age. In response to such theories, it is important to refer this theory as middle-range wellness in illness that was developed depending on the clinical nursing research of the author from people suffering from life-threatening and chronic diseases.


The phenomenon of Concern (bold)

The middle-range theory idea was first introduced by Robert Merton’s sociological literature during the 1950s. the middle range theory is considered to be important since it is comprised of a team of knowledge that focuses on a number of variables unlike the grand theories thus tested empirically. According to Clarke (2015) middle, range theories focus on some specific nursing aspects reflecting on clinical practices. Most of these grand theories cover a wide range of phenomena that are concern with some specific ideas and disciplines.

For instance, the “Construction of Spiritual Theory in Nursing” focusses on the middle-range theories. There are some instances where the “construction of spirituality” is based on the nursing theory advanced spiritual care model in health care and nursing thus the evolving framework presentation knows the spirituality concept in nursing. According to the concept of spirituality by Walker, Avant (2011) identifies the various concepts connected with connectedness, energy, emotions, beliefs, and values. Besides, he presented the six practical guidelines required by nurses in the spiritual clinical setting area.

Accordingly, a number of theories have been recently developed for spirituality nursing. For instance the “Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice Experimental Theory” and Family Interdependence Theory of the Elders and Family Caregivers”. These theories focus on the spirituality of the receiver and the care provider. Another theory developed in the recent past is that of “T.R.U.S.T” spirituality affirms the inclusive spiritual care model. Accordingly, the nursing theory development has received great interest in the spirituality field as promoted by Barbara Pesut who happened to be a philosopher in nursing. Specifically, she focused on the present worldwide interest in spirituality as referred to as “sacralization” within the society.



Theory Description (bold)



Concepts (bold)

The Spiritual Well Being in Illness Middle Range Theory

The spiritual well being in illness is a middle-range theory applied in nursing health care set up where the nursing staffs provide attention and importance not only at the requirements of the patients but also to their spirits and mind. Such kind of orientation is important considering that nursing staffs take care of patients suffering from life-threatening diseases including any kind of illnesses that has changed the patient’s life thus badly affecting personal and professional goals. Such kinds of patients are badly broken and hurt from the indeed thus the need to struggle and look for meaning in their illnesses or disability. Whether the patients are affiliated with some specific religion or not, the theory has to look for a state that they can accept such kind of realities thus achieving a peaceful means. Such kind of theory happens to be helpful for the nurse practitioner and nurse researchers who seriously work with ill patients. Indeed, this shall allow these people to obtain the spiritual needs of the patients thus offering special intervention care to the patients depending on their respective needs.

Spiritual Well Being in Illnesses Theory Development

According to Clarke (2015),  the “middle-range theory” has emerged from combined practice and research in building other people’s work. however, several nursing theorists, middle-range theories were formulated based on the grand and conceptual theories or with the assistance of clinical procedures. Furthermore, the spiritual well being in illness middle range theory was obtained depending on the spiritual well being the initial concept. Furthermore, the Joyce Travelbee nursing model theory focused on the idea of finding out the meaning that an illness has thus assisted in deriving this theory.

The main mid-range theory’s important idea with spiritual well-being in illnesses seeks to explore the spiritual meaning at the time illness takes place. Accordingly, the theorists explored the importance of spiritual concerns that seeks to point outpatient help spiritual values in the identification of the perception of the patient concerning illnesses. The individuals developed frameworks based on the relationship between nurse to patient and human-to-human. Ideally, she described the interactional framework including the role that a patient pays in helping out the illnesses.

According to the definition, illness is defined as a physical, emotional, and spiritual experience that is objectively defined and subjectively defined. According to scholars, the attitude and ability of a patient suffering from any sort of illness determine how good a patient is in coping with such kind of illness. Therefore, professional practice in nursing needs to be prepared on how to assist families and individuals not just in coping up with the suffering and illness but also needs to find out such kind of experiences. It is evident that it is not easy to task a professional nurse but it is important to better the lives of patients.

Joyce Travelbee happened to be famous since she was a spiritual woman, psychiatric and educator nursing practioner. In fact, she had the vision of human to human practical nursing which was greatly influenced by her training and early education. She acquired knowledge from the written work of Ida Orlando who was a nursing theorist and received Charity Hospital training, based in New Orleans and supervised by Victor Frank who is a famous psychotherapist. Unfortunately, she passed on at a young age of 47 and could not live more to witness an elaborate interaction model work. However, at the start of her work the idea of a sick person giving meaning to his kind of illness at the experience suffering, pain and illness providing a strong and solid basis for the exploration and development of mid-range spiritual well-being in illness nursing theory.


Diagram (bold)

The Description of Mid-Range Theory of Spiritual Well Being

As indicated above, the Travelbee efforts offered a strong base for nurse practitioners and researchers to work further on this idea. Therefore, a large number of nursing studies have inductively derived from the stated theory and thus investigating the mid-range theory and its importance to spiritual well-being in assisting a patient to cope and fight the chronic illnesses disabilities. According to some studies the quantitative and qualitative positive association exists between the quality of life and spiritual well-being. Accordingly, theorists like nurse practitioners indicate that such patients have spiritual satisfaction, strong faith and have performed religious practices aimed at becoming contented and optimistic in the life aspects (Marañón, Pera 2015). Additionally, there is high hope of a positive future despite the concept that they have continuously suffered from pain. An example of this includes a number of severe patients like 88 years old parishioners from Luthern Mrs. Manley who was suffering from multiple diseases like osteoporosis, heart failures, diabetes.


Assumption (bold)


Otherworldly Well-being

The condition of acknowledgment or rising above agony and enduring realized by ceaseless sickness or incapacity by permitting in the light of a person’s better nature. People who accomplished this profound prosperity in disease are progressively constructive about and happy with different parts of their lives. They additionally were increasingly hopeful about what’s to come.

Profound prosperity comes after otherworldly importance of his disease experience has been accomplished. An individual’s capacity to accomplish otherworldly importance is identified with his otherworldliness and strictness – his profound perspectives and practices – and interceding factors identified with his disease and his condition.



This is one of two components of profound prosperity that manages a people’s individual relationship with God. It is made out of close to home confidence and profound happiness. Individual confidence, one’s conviction or mistrust in God’s presence, is basic to a person’s capacity to discover significance in his ailment. Besides confidence, an individual must trust in God’s capacity and fortune and discover harmony, fortitude, and quality in his convictions. The entirety of this must meet up for importance to flourish. Otherworldly happiness is the inclination of individual closeness to God and security in his adoration. The individual is unwavering in his convictions due to this fulfillment in his confidence and not on the grounds that he fears God’s fierceness and judgment.


The second element of profound prosperity that mirrors a person’s act of his confidence belief, which could conceivably remember contribution for a sorted out strict convention. Supplication and profound perusing are useful methods for dealing with stress, alongside chapel participation, in spite of the fact that this need not be fundamentally formal. The support given by the confidence network, the part’s supplication and the direction of ministers or otherworldly partners can be consoling in the midst of sickness and languishing.

Mediating Variables

Mediating or bewildering factors that influence the accomplishment of otherworldly significance incorporates the seriousness of the disease or the level of useful debilitation the level of social help by family, companions and parental figures distressing life occasions that could be passionate, sociocultural and budgetary in setting



Metaparadigm (bold)

A person is a profound being, alongside his physical and psychosocial nature. He is a levelheaded being who will battle to discover importance in the ailment or handicap experienced or will discover a feeling of acknowledgment or discover harmony in the midst of his anguish.

He, in this manner, can discover profound importance in the experience of ailment prompting otherworldly prosperity in sickness. This capacity to discover acknowledgment, or even grasp his ailment, relies upon his otherworldly mentalities and practices and impacted by interceding factors like seriousness of sickness, accessible social help, and upsetting life occasions.




A solid individual is somebody who stays idealistic, fulfilled and cheerful despite his constant disease or handicap. He is profoundly well even in ailment. The impression of disease and enduring is subject to the emblematic significance connected to it by the person.


There is a positive relationship between profound prosperity and personal satisfaction. The higher an individual’s very own confidence, otherworldly happiness and the more significant the strict practice the more noteworthy the fulfillment, positive thinking and expectation experienced by the incessantly sick individual.




It straightforwardly influences an individual’s capacity to discover otherworldly significance as far as he can tell. It is made out of the confidence network, the nuclear family, companions and parental figures. The occasions that occurred inside the earth, passionate or budgetary changes, the help given by his huge others and the sociocultural setting in which individual lives are viewed as mediating factors in the mission to arrive at profound prosperity in ailment.




It is the objective of nursing to help the evil patient to encounter trust as a method for adapting to sickness and languishing. Medical attendants must be set up to help people to adapt to the disease as well as to help families and people to discover significance in the experience. Attendants must assistance recognize, bolster and reinforce the profound assets an evil individual has according to the infection or handicap.


Medical attendants can encourage the upgrade or come back to strict practice that may have disappeared or was deserted with the beginning of ailment. Medical caretakers can intercede in rectifying or limiting possibly perplexing factors that may meddle with an evil individual’s capacity to accomplish profound prosperity. This can be accomplished in a medical attendant’s job as a referral operator (for example a patient with almost deaf can be alluded for audiology testing or securing of a listening device)


Evaluation (bold)



Clarity (bold)

The description of the theorists is clear with the definition of the key concepts. The theory provides the theorist with a clear definition of the main ideas and concepts. Indeed, this is a straightforward theory despite the fact that the present concept is not complex as they assist the nurse in understanding the unpleasant symptoms of complex nature as experienced by the patient. The theory is clear since it takes into consideration key aspects and concepts of the human soul, body, and mind that is often overlooked, unlike other theories. This thorough patient treatment is reliable and consistent with the nursing theory.


Congruence (bold)

Nursing speculations can be created utilizing a deductive or inductive methodology. The inductive methodology in building up a hypothesis is applied when the data is accessible. Perceptions are normally utilized at this premise. In deductive methodology, a quantitative examination is utilized in building up the hypothesis. The center range hypothesis of prosperity or all-encompassing consideration is helpful in arranging the act of an attendant performing all-encompassing human services; this incorporates thoughtfulness regarding the brain, body, and soul; this is significant for medical attendants and clinical experts for those furnishing care to people’s with perilous diseases. Patients adapting to such ailments endeavor to become mindful of the state they are in. the mid-run hypothesis of prosperity in ailment encourages medical attendants to evaluate the patients’ needs (profound) and further to establish social insurance intercessions (O’Brien, 2008).


Application (bold)




Level (bold)

Use of Mid-Range Theory of Holistic Care


All-encompassing consideration is the cutting edge nursing practice that communicates the all-out patient’s consideration including care of the body, psyche, and soul. It is all around done by understanding an individual’s wellbeing and prosperity. It is accomplished by giving the physical, mental and otherworldly human services of a patient. This improves the personal satisfaction of the patient and that of their family. This consideration is given to guarantee a decent way of life, to forestall and fix any sickness a patient could be experiencing in order to guarantee a solid life. According to Gaynes (2011), nursing includes helping somebody through a troublesome minute. Along these lines, individuals look for proficient directing when they need support or can’t adapt to a circumstance alone. Walker LO, Avant KC (2011), additionally coins that nursing is a communication between the advising master and the customer or patient who needs assistance.



Use (bold)

This theory is vitally important in the oncological setup as the theory shall provide a mechanism where the patient easily evaluated holistically with unpleasant symptoms that might be experienced and managed if proper tools are used. Such tools might include situational support groups, psychological counseling, meditation, and behavior modification not forgetting psychological medication. Most of these solutions provide important solutions to patients who are likely to face and are important in assisting the patients thus treating the entire individual. This specific theory is applied in preventive measures within the clinical practice context. Nurses need to consider some factors as presented by the early theories in the process of treatment and come up with important strategies preventing unpleasant symptoms that arise from the over occurring.


Weaknesses (bold)

There are some weaknesses like inadequacies that are associated with the theory. In this regard, the theory was later updated in the year 1997. The theory was updated and associated with research measures and clinical practices. The update considers complex approaches associated with the correlation between various features and factors of some unpleasant symptoms.



Future (bold)


This theory has a great future considering that there is a positive relationship between profound prosperity and personal satisfaction. The higher an individual’s very own confidence, otherworldly happiness and the more significant the strict practice the more noteworthy the fulfillment, positive thinking and expectation experienced by the incessantly sick individual.




Clarke PN (2015) Meta-theory in nursing: Necessary for practice? Nurs Sci Q 28: 127-128.

Nursing theory (2012) Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Farlex.

Marañón AA, Pera MPI (2015) Theory and practice in the construction of professional identity in nursing students: A qualitative study. Nurse Educ Today 35: 859-863.

Gaynes R (2011) Germ Theory: Medical Pioneers in Infectious Diseases (1). Washington, DC: ASM Press. Accessed October 22, 2016, from ProQuest ebrary.Electronic reproduction. Palo Alto, Calif.

Walker LO, Avant KC (2011) Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing. Boston, MA: Prentice-Hall, an imprint of Pearson.

Powers BA, Knapp T (2010) In A. Powers, Dictionary of Nursing Theory and Research. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Wallis S (2010) Toward a Science of Metatheory. Integral Review 6: 73- 120.

Sitzman K, Eichelberger LW (2017) Understanding the work of nurse theorist: A creative beginning. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Karnick PM (2014) A case for nursing theory in practice. Nurs Sci Q 27: 117.



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