The 90s children know what pleasure pokemon brought to our lives. The very famous character Pikachu, a very beautiful movie based on the pokemon franchise created by Satoshi Tajiri was out in 2019.
The plot follows world-class detective, PIKACHU exceptionally intelligent who is only understood by aspiring trainer Tim goodman. Pikachu loses his memory and the story revolves around the attempt to solve the mystery of the disappearance of Tim’s father. Do you remember what Pikachu said?
“They try to talk to me all they hear is pika pika”-PIKACHU
Peeps!, I hope your hormone of excitement has increased the level of the brim. I know we all have been living for the most awaiting sequel of the film detective Pikachu.
The first live-action movie directed by Rob Letterman under the production company Legendary pictures and The pokemon company Toho collected $433 in the box office.
A piece of good news for the fans, Legendary entertainment has already signed OREN UZIEL as the screenwriter for the next sequel. But the release date is still a secret. Stay tuned for that. You will be updated soon.
Will Ryan Reynold replay his role?
Two characters Ryan Reynold and justice smith as Pikachu and Tim goodman respectively are most preferably looked up in the next sequel otherwise it will be worthless watching it. since they have played their roles so magnificently. Other important protagonists Kathyrn Newton can be viewed as lucy steves and ken Watanabe as Detective Yoshida. Did it just increase your dopamine?
Excited about the plot?
There have been no updates about the storyline of the second sequel yet. The directors may want to spice it up more. They may continue with what they have left or bring some new twist for their audience. I want to say it in Pikachu’s style
” That’s a twist. that’s very twisty”
So, if you haven’t already watched the first sequel, go guys watch it now.