Title of Proposal
Anthony A. Student
Space Studies, American Military University
SPST 503: Chronology of Space
Dr Ernie Rahn
Title of Proposal
Start the text of the introduction (introduce the problem).
Key Issue 1
Start text of the heading.
Level 2 Heading
Add level-2 and lower headings as required.
Level 3 Heading
Add level-3 and lower headings as required.
Level 4, heading. Add level-4 and lower headings as required.
Level 5, heading. Add level-5 heading as required. Copy and paste Level 2-5 headers below Level-1 headers as needed in subsequent sections of the paper.
Key Issue 2 (if used)
Start text of the heading.
Expected Takeaways
Start text of the heading.
Author A. A. (2017). The full title of work, with only first or proper nouns, capitalized. Title of Periodical, 6(1). 125-133. https://doi.org/000000000/xxxxxxxxxx
Zubrin, R. (2019). The space case: How the revolution in spaceflight opens up a future of limitless possibilities. Prometheus.