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Tomorrow’s differences are as a result of today’s small amendments

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Tomorrow’s differences are as a result of today’s small amendments. The decision to pursue the science of Pediatrics in medical school was relatively easy for me. However, if I was ever told that I would later become a physician at a tender age, I would probably not believe it. Naturally, I am full of life, and I have an unwavering interest to make a meaningful impact on humankind, thus the desire to serve people, especially the little ones. Later in life, I identified medicine as the vehicle that I could genuinely utilize to drive the social change in my community that I truly craved for. What intrigued me about medicine was the human body’s resilience and the opportunity to lead, teach, and champion for children’s rights and need for a role model and reliable guide.

Diseases take a heavy toll on young patients as compared to adults. When children contract diseases, there is a high likelihood of debilitation or even fatality in worse cases. Additionally, the performance of children’s procedures is very delicate and varies significantly with those done on patients of advanced ages. My passion and interest in Pediatrics started and blossomed when I was in secondary school. This is after the courses pursued in high school enlightened me on important Pediatrics’ developmental differences. From there forthwith, I was encouraged to enroll in medical school and seek a residency program in Pediatric Science. I expect that I will be able to carry out procedures that not only save lives and but also enable young patients to fulfill their potential.

Pediatric care unit rotations in medical school played a crucial role in preparing me for the real-life situations that I will be expected to tackle when I finally become a physician. I was trained on how young patients’ medical care can be different and how to handle such situations. Physiological differences between young patients and older patients meant that different procedures e.g., resuscitation, were adjusted to lower the likelihood of interfering with a major blood vessel or damaging other vital organs. Moreover, risks potentially posed to patients, and future growth as affected by administered treatment was assessed by the medical and surgical interventions made. To assist patients make an informed choice from possibly endless options, all these considerations are made, and I can say without any fear of contradiction that I look forward to working with young patients during my residency stint in your institution.

There are a few things in life that are as gratifying as seeing as a young patient who was ill smiling after successfully recovering from a disease. It is even more gratifying when parents of a young patient walk up to a doctor to give their gratitude after the doctor successfully treated their child, and the child recovered, especially when the disease was seemingly insurmountable. I have a soft spot for children with special needs in my heart. It is disheartening, to say the least, to see children with special needs that are not catered to. These members of society go through a lot when they have no one to look out for them as well as a result of the medical community’s failure to understand them along with their needs. In the course of my studies and training, I have witnessed first-hand the suffering of children with mental illnesses and those who are physically disabled. Their most considerable pain stems from the medical community that does not in the least meet their needs. Having undergone rigorous training under the tutelage of profoundly knowledgeable and experienced physicians during medical school’s Pediatric rotations, I am now well-equipped and acquainted to address the plight of this vulnerable population since I have been exposed to what they need and can now effectively assist them to lead healthy lifestyles. I look forward to being welcomed under the Pediatrics residency program in your institution.



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