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Transformation of an enterprise system to cloud-based systems

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Transformation of an enterprise system to cloud-based systems



Table of Contents

Abstract: 2

Independent research and literature synthesis: 3

Literature synthesis: 5

Data triangulation: 6

Evaluation of the trends of this emerging technology: 8

Impact of the cloud-based system on future trends: 10

Summary discussions: 13

Recommendations: 13

Conclusions: 14

References: 15





Enterprise systems are now used in many organizations as a tool for making business decisions by evaluating the data. Enterprise systems help in controlling information of all the business tasks from one place and assist the managers in developing business reports with ease. It helps in the integration of knowledge of all the business operations of the companies. It then helps the leaders to make decisions based on the data that are evaluated. Enterprise systems further extract data from the database and different methods of a company and integrate all of those data. In this way, managers get the scope to evaluate the information of the overall business from the enterprise system without requiring accessing each order individually. It is also possible for the managers to send commands to their employees through the enterprise systems for different tasks such as the development of financial reports, development of reports on different business tasks and others. Companies also process information from various external sources and integrate those into the enterprise systems for evaluating and analyzing later.

For example, they extract data from social media, financial reports of various companies, industry reports and information from search engines and integrate those into the enterprise system. This helps them to develop business strategies according to the outputs that are gathered. The most important thing is that all these processes are conducted automatically and do not require manual works from the employees of the companies. This helps in increasing the value of the enterprise systems for the companies. Companies use enterprise systems for storing business records and for maintaining those successfully. Information is added to the files automatically with the entry of information in the enterprise systems. Hence, companies get the scope to process business information without difficulties and in quick time. Enterprise systems are developed with the help of different tools and technologies. For example, many enterprise systems are producing by using Oracle database, programming languages such as .NET and frontend technologies such as JavaScript.

However; this paper has described the transformation of enterprise systems into cloud-based systems. Cloud computing is an emerging technology that has similar functions like enterprise systems and even has better features. Nowadays; many organizations transform their enterprise systems to cloud systems as it becomes possible to store and process more data through cloud storage. Data in cloud systems are always available and can be accessed in real-time. This means that companies just need a proper internet connection for using cloud-based systems. The cost of using cloud-based systems is lower than enterprise systems, and data are also kept safe from natural disasters. Companies can use different applications of cloud systems for evaluating data stored in those. This paper has thus analyzed the benefits of transforming enterprise systems into cloud-based systems. It has also assessed some potential challenges associated with using cloud-based systems for business information. Big data and analytics have been considered as the related emerging technology for integrating into cloud-based systems, and a summary of the discussion has been provided at last.

Independent research and literature synthesis:

Authors Giachetti (2016) highlighted that enterprise systems are used in organizations for developing strategies for business operations. The architecture of an enterprise is designed as per the business architectures. It is one of the earlier forms of information systems for organizations. Authors Roztocki, Soja and Weistroffer (2020) evaluated that in recent years, organizations have focused on transforming their enterprise systems for making use of better information systems with enhanced technologies. In this process, the transition of enterprise systems is mostly developed on using better techniques that can help in enhancing the benefits for the companies to store and process data successfully. This is the reason why the transition of enterprise systems has become an important IT strategy for companies.

Authors Panetta et al. (2016) described that future enterprise system for the organizations would be based on the use of enhanced and emerging technologies. This is because; the traditional enterprise systems do not have enhanced features such as real-time access and on-time processing of data from various sources. Hence, for the future enterprise systems, it would be essential to use emerging technologies that can help in overcoming these challenges successfully. Authors Clohessy, Acton and Morgan (2017) highlighted that the evolution of cloud computing has resulted in the digital transformation for the enterprise systems in the companies. It has also resulted in enhanced database management that is even better than traditional enterprise systems. Hence, IT professionals now give importance on using the architecture of cloud computing for information systems and are replacing conventional enterprise systems with this technology. Cloud-based systems are also helping in storing and processing data from more sources and of more volume compared to the traditional enterprise systems used in the companies.

Authors Hedman and Xiao (2016) cited that many companies are now focusing on transiting the business database and enterprise systems to cloud systems mainly for better management of data and for using different applications that can help in data analysis successfully. Moreover; cloud-based systems also help in accessing data even from the remote places. This means that the leaders of the companies can log in to the cloud database and can access the information from anywhere with ease. This is not possible with the use of traditional enterprise systems, and in such systems, users mostly need to access data from the workplace, and this is a significant limitation of using enterprise systems. On the other hand, cloud-based systems can be used from anywhere and with any devices such as smartphones and tablets. This is the reason why cloud-based systems are now preferred over traditional enterprise systems.

Authors Vera-Baquero, Colomo-Palacios and Molloy (2016) described that cloud-based systems help in real-time monitoring of the business operations that in turn help the managers to identify the gaps in the strategic plan. These systems also support the managers to analyze the performance of the business operations by evaluating the real-time information successfully. Hence; these data further help in increasing the operational achievements of the organizations. Process performance also enhanced as the managers get the scope to evaluate the information on the day to day performances of the process performances. This is the reason why cloud-based systems are incredibly useful for organizations compared to traditional enterprise systems. This is also one of the reasons why many organizations now transform enterprise systems into cloud-based systems.

Authors Attaran and Wood (2019) evaluated that by using the internet, users of the organizations can easily access information present in the cloud server. Along with this, they can use different tools of cloud computing for processing data that are present in the cloud server. Hence, with these significant benefits, small and medium companies are now able to conduct an advanced data management process without requiring costly databases. With the availability of cloud-based services, cost of database management for these SMEs has reduced significantly. Hence; cloud systems can be considered as cost-effective and easy to use data management and processing system and have better features than the traditional enterprise systems. With these efficient features, it has now become necessary for the SMEs to make a transition into cloud-based systems.  Authors Muslmani et al. (2018) discussed that in the cloud base systems, data from all the business operations are integrated. Along with this, data from the external sources are also integrated. In this way; companies get the scope to access all the business operations through a single system, and it helps in increasing the quality of data management of the business as well. The cloud-based system can assist the managers in improving their decision-making process as they can take the help of different applications that can automate the process of analysis, thus contributing to the enhanced decision-making process.

Literature synthesis:

Literature sourcesKey information
Dong, Q., Wu, Q. and Cheng, Y. 2019, October, Research on Cloud Computing Based on Storage Virtualization in Data Center. In 2019 International Conference on Mathematics, Big Data Analysis and Simulation and Modelling (MBDASM 2019). Atlantis Press.Cloud-based systems help in creating a virtual data centre that can help in managing the data and business applications successfully. These systems also enhance the data storage system.
Yoo, S.K. and Kim, B.Y 2019, The Effective Factors of Cloud Computing Adoption Success in Organization. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB), Vol.6, No.1, pp.217-229.Cloud-based systems help the managers to take decisions based on the data that are evaluated after integration.
Zhu, Y 2017, Cloud computing: current and future impact on organizations.Cloud-based systems have the ability to enhance the quality of data analysis of the business and these help the managers to assess the business gaps successfully.
Mitra, A., O’Regan, N. and Sarpong, D 2018, Cloud resource adaptation: A resource based perspective on value creation for corporate growth. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol.130, pp.28-38.Different cloud-based resources can be utilized for ensuring that the organizations get the scope to develop strategic plans for the business operations successfully.


Data triangulation:

After evaluating different literature sources, this evolving technology and its benefits will be measured through primary data. In this aspect, website resources will be useful for evaluating the literature based on the cloud-based systems. Through the website resources, it would be also important to generate the information on the challenges that the transition of enterprise systems to cloud-based systems impose for the organizations. This method will help in evaluating the collected literature in a better way. According to an article of Forbes, cloud-based systems help in recovering the data at times of disasters and that cannot be conducted with the help of traditional enterprise systems effectively (Team, 2020). This article also described on the ability of the cloud-based systems to protect data from unauthorized access. Data in cloud can be extracted at any point of time and it thus gives an advantage for the users on accessing real-time data from any device.

According to an article, cloud systems can handle more workload and is flexible for the users to make use of different tools for managing data. It also becomes possible to add larger data volume without requiring changing the database or adding any tools (How Cloud Computing Is Changing Management, 2020). Organizations can buy data spaces from the cloud vendors and can also buy some tools from them. Some of the tools are available for free and some are required buying for using. Users can use the features of cloud computing according to their requirements. This is why cloud systems are considered to be flexible for the users and help in an enhanced data management for the users. Moreover; cloud systems have different architectures such as IaaS and PaaS and users can select any of those according to their requirements. All these features enhance the data management process for the companies with the use of cloud systems.

Another article described that reduced cost and remote access are some of the features that motivate companies to transform enterprise system to cloud systems (Warnock, 2020). Capabilities of business intelligence and enhanced security also are the motivational factors for the employees to use cloud-based systems. These features increase the capability of cloud computing and enhanced data management for the companies. Since, modern-day organizations give importance on business intelligence, hence; cloud system is an efficient technology that motivates the companies to use it for information management. Moreover; now many organizations make use of virtual employees who work from remote places and hence; cloud systems enable these employees to access the information of the companies through cloud database. It is not possible for the large organizations to send emails and files separately to individual employees who work remotely. Hence, cloud computing provide these companies with the opportunity to let the employees download and access the information from their cloud systems. These employees can even upload files into the cloud database of the companies and this enhances the capability of the companies to share information with their employees successfully.

Cloud computing ensures business continuity as it ensures that companies get the provision to maintain and access their data without interruption due to disasters or system breakdown (Cloud computing, 2020). In the case of traditional enterprise systems, sudden system breakdown and disasters can result in loss of data and inability of the users to access the data. In such cases, there is a risk of discontinuity of the business as the companies fail to access the information that is required for continuing their business. This is one of the reasons why cloud systems are more efficient than the traditional enterprise systems and thus, it is a motivational factor for the companies to use cloud systems for data management. Other benefit for cloud system is that it continuously focuses on improvement and hence; the features continue to enhance with time. This also benefits the users as they get the scope to use enhanced features for data management successfully. Hence, in case of database management for business operations, cloud computing is an extremely important technology.

Despites of such benefits, there are some issues that pose challenges for the companies for migrating to cloud system. One of such issues is data privacy. Since, companies transfer their business data to the third party vendors, hence; it cannot be guaranteed that the data that are stored in the cloud system would be safe from unauthorized access (Editors, 2020). Often many organizations have faced issues on privacy of the data that are used through cloud database. There have been many incidences of data breach that have impacted the use of cloud database for the organizations. Hence, issues of data breach pose the challenge for the companies that intend to use cloud system instead of traditional enterprise systems.

Data compliance is also a major issue that impact the use of cloud system. This is because; the challenges for the companies come from the fact that their data can be accessed by the cloud vendors. In many cases, it breaches the right to protect the confidential data of the business. The General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR is based on ensuring that data of the companies are protected and thus, it is also a challenge for the cloud vendors to follow the compliance successfully (Cloud Computing: Challenges and Solutions, 2020). In this aspect, the compliance issue results in the difficulties for the organizations to ensure that their data are properly protected in the cloud database without any issues.

Hence, from the analysis, it can be evaluated that the transformation from enterprise system to cloud system can pose some challenges for the companies. Therefore, it is important for the companies to understand these challenges for ensuring that the issues can be countered successfully before shifting to cloud database. However; the positives from the emerging technology are the main motivational factors that help the companies to use cloud system successfully. Hence, data from the websites acted as the evidence for justifying the use of this emerging technology for successful data management in the companies.

Evaluation on the trends of this emerging technology:

Author Yao (2017) described that cloud system helps in managing digital data of the business successfully as it helps in managing the integrated data. In this way; it becomes possible for the companies to ensure performance management of the business by evaluating the data stored in cloud storage. It also ensures that the companies get the scope to evaluate the data with maximum quality and availability so that those can be utilized for business intelligence as well. All these features enhance the capability of cloud systems for the companies. In the recent years, cloud systems have evolved significantly with enhanced features for the users. This is the reason why the number of companies using this data management system has increased. Moreover; users are now more comfortable using this system compared to the traditional enterprise systems.

Authors Varghese and Buyya (2018) described that cloud systems have helped in using virtual data centres for the companies and thus these have reduced the costs of building a high-quality and enhanced physical data centres. This is one of the reasons why the cost of using cloud services is lower for data management. This virtual data centre can support high workload that in turn enhances the capabilities of the companies to make use of their growing volume of operational data successfully. In this aspect, by making use of cloud system, companies can even use different sources for integrating those with the data of the business.

Authors ElMalah and Nasr (2019) thus described that companies now make use of cloud services for conducting business intelligence. This is because; companies now get the opportunity to have a variety of data that are available all the time and those can be use for analysis. This is a significant trend of cloud-based systems for the companies. On the other hand, companies using traditional enterprise systems do not get the scope of using business intelligence. This is mainly because; traditional enterprise systems do not provide the scope to analyze high data volume and their availability if also limited. Along with this, IT professionals do not get the scope on analyzing the data stored in the enterprise systems from remote areas. This can be only availed through the cloud-based enterprise systems as the data can be accessed from remote areas and with any device.  This is an important trend for which many companies are transferring their enterprise systems to cloud-based systems.

Authors Gupta, Gupta and Kumar (2019) explained that cloud systems have service-oriented features and users thus can use the features according to their required services. They can customize their services by selecting the features of cloud systems. In this way; companies using cloud systems would be able to avail benefits on lowering the cost of data management through cloud computing. In this aspect, they can select only those services that are essential for them. They can further take more cloud services in the future with their growing requirements by increasing some additional budget. Thus, it shows that cloud system also provides flexible services in terms of costs and the features that are available for the users. This is thus an important trend of cloud systems for the companies that they can utilize for better data management. Cloud systems also help in enhancing the features of data management and it regulates the way; data are controlled by the companies.

Authors Rauch et al (2016) cited that cloud systems collaborate with the business processes of the companies which in turn help in following the strategic objectives of the business successfully. Hence, companies can easily make use of cloud systems for achieving business objectives on information management with success. This collaboration further helps the companies to implement the necessary business strategies that can be achieved by using their IT systems. Along with this, the collaboration also helps in ensuring that companies get the proper value from their investments in cloud systems. Cloud storage is used for storing data with high volume that cannot be possible in case of other enterprise systems. This is the reason why normal database storage is now replaced by cloud storage in many organizations and it has been extremely useful for them.

Authors Senyo, Addae and Boateng (2018) described that with the growth in the number of businesses using cloud systems, it is expected that features of this technology will be enhanced and the users would get the opportunities to access more applications of the system. Authors have discussed that cloud systems are now properly used in the organizations for business intelligence and for using for predictive analytics. Since, data in the system are always available and can be extracted from anywhere, hence; techniques such as business intelligence can be used effectively. Cloud systems are also helping in automation of database management and this is helping the companies to reduce their time and efforts to manage their data. These data are also kept safe from disasters and this provides the companies an advantage to remove the additional costs of backup of data. This is because; in the cloud systems, data are kept automatically as backup. Hence, companies can extract data at any point of time without any issues. All these advantages have motivated many companies already to replace enterprise systems and to use cloud systems for database and application management of the business in the recent years with significant success.

Authors Sirianni, Singer and Sabbagh (2019) evaluated that with the use of cloud systems, it becomes possible for the companies to adopt new business models. For the modern business models, it is always important to use the technologies that are emerging and that can help in innovation. In this aspect, cloud system supports new business models and this further helps companies to implement innovative techniques on database management and application management. Along with this cloud systems also help in ensuring that companies can implement the necessary models that can help them to manage their data in an innovative way and with success.

Impact of cloud-based system on future trends:

Cloud-based system has already replaced enterprise systems in many companies. For making use of the enhanced features, many companies have given importance on transforming enterprise system into cloud-based systems. Future trends for cloud systems can be evaluated by assessing its integration with various techniques and technologies. Cyber security is one technique that can be integrated with cloud systems (Muller, Ludwig and Franczyk 2017). In the case of using traditional enterprise systems, companies often face difficulty to protect data privacy. This is because; hackers find some significant opportunities to access the data available in the enterprise systems. However; in the case of cloud systems, companies can store data virtually and hence, the risks on the access of system network by the hackers automatically get eliminated. Although; in the present condition cloud systems have some security issues, however; if data in the cloud storage can be protected with techniques such as encryption, then it can be possible to eliminate the cyber security issues in cloud systems.

However; security in cloud system is a lot higher than traditional enterprise systems. This is because; hackers do not get the scope on accessing the network of the companies to access the information. Hence, cloud systems can be highly efficient if it is integrated with cyber security techniques. Big data and analytics is another technology that can be integrated with cloud systems. Big data can be stored in cloud system and companies thus overcome the issues of shortage in the spaces while using big data. This is because; in cloud systems, a high volume of space is available and the space also can be increased with time. This allows the companies to make effective use of big data through cloud services. For analytics, big data in the cloud storage can be used and it can further help in using more structured data (Sindhu and Hegde 2017). Another benefit of cloud system is that big data can be extracted for analysis at any point of time and from any places. Hence, companies do not require relying on some particular data centres for conducting the activities of analytics. They can perform analytics from any place and systems that have access to cloud system.

Since, many modern companies make use of big data analytics, hence; the importance of using cloud systems has increased day by day. With more features, cloud system is going to be more efficient for conducting business analytics successfully. In case of big data analytics, it is always important to have the storage from where data can be processed without difficulty. In this aspect, cloud storage provides the opportunity to process data easily and different analytical tools can be easily used for this process. Hence, in cloud systems, different tools of big data analytics can be used successfully. This is also one of the reasons why cloud systems are now widely used as the supporting technology for big data analytics. The features of cloud systems are efficient enough to make use of analytics without difficulties.

Internet of Things is another technology that can be integrated with cloud systems. IoT makes use of its sensors and process data to some storage systems. However; if normal enterprise system is used, then it becomes extremely difficult for the IT professionals to process the data from the sensors into it. This is because; enterprise systems have limited spaces and the speed of processing is also low. This reduces the efficiency of IoT sensors to derive meaningful data for the users. This is the reason why if enterprise systems are transformed into cloud systems, then the data from the IoT sensors can be stored and processed successfully (Cavalcante et al 2016). Data from IoT can be processed to cloud systems and companies can analyze those successfully. This process has been highly successful especially for the healthcare industry. This industry in recent years has integrated IoT and cloud systems for analysis and for predictions on various diseases. With the use of cloud systems, the utility of IoT sensors has increased significantly. Hence, this is one of the technologies that can be integrated with cloud systems and can be considered as a recent trend in cloud systems.

Augmented reality can be integrated with cloud systems as well. Cloud systems can successfully manage data that are used for augmented reality. By using cloud systems, IT experts can use real-time images and views of augmented reality results and real-time applications can be also used that help in increasing the viability of augmented reality. Along with this, experts who use augmented reality in various fields can extract data from cloud systems in real-time. This helps in increasing the efficiency of augmented reality (Kim et al 2018). This is the reason why many industries use augmented reality integrated with cloud systems. Integration of augmented reality is one of the latest trends of cloud systems. Since; many companies now use augmented reality for their different business processes, hence; they are giving importance on the use of cloud systems. With limited features of the traditional enterprise systems, it is not possible to make use of augmented reality for the business successfully. This is one of the reasons why it has become important for the companies to make use of cloud systems for using augmented reality successfully.

From the above discussions, some of the latest trends of cloud computing have been identified. In this aspect, it has been analyzed that cloud computing when integrated with different techniques and techniques help in benefiting many industries with enhanced features. From the analysis, it has been also evaluated that integration of cloud computing with other technologies can result in innovation in various services. It is also expected that cloud systems can be also effective with the other emerging technologies if used properly. The evolution of enterprise systems to cloud systems thus can be extremely effective for many industries. With the growing users of cloud systems, it is expected that there would be significant evolution in the trends as well.

Summary discussions:


Companies transforming enterprise systems to cloud systems are well aware of the benefits they can receive. Most of the companies aim to solve the issues of enterprise systems regarding effective data management and limited space. Hence; cloud systems have become the alternate solutions for these companies to solve the issues regarding business information management. However; it would be important for these companies to make use of the features of cloud systems effectively. If they are unable to identify the features and make effective use of those, then the strategies on transformation of enterprise systems to cloud systems can become ineffective.  In the earlier discussions, some security problems with cloud systems have been identified and thus for the companies, it would be important to consider the negative factor of this emerging technology. In this aspect, the strategy for the companies needs to be based on solving these privacy issues before transforming enterprise systems to cloud systems. It would be also important to have a strategic plan and objectives for transforming from enterprise systems to
cloud systems.

The strategies and objectives need to be based on having IT goals on the use of cloud systems for business data management. The IT goals on the use of cloud systems for business data management need to be included into the overall business goals. Companies need to implement a change management plan before transforming from enterprise systems to
cloud systems. This change management plan needs to be based on training for the users of cloud systems, risks to be mitigated, and changes to be made in the systems and others. It would be also important for the companies to select appropriate cloud vendors so that the migration can be made successfully and for ensuring that the enhanced features of cloud systems can be used. Companies also need to be aware on the impact of the implementation of cloud systems on the stakeholders and the business stakeholders. In this way; these companies can be aware of the next strategies they need to make while using cloud systems successfully.


It is clear that organizations need to have the IT goals on the use of cloud systems for business data management and the goals need to be developed by consulting with the IT teams. From this report, the benefits of transforming from enterprise systems to
cloud systems have been identified. Some of the challenges have been identified as well. Along with this, the focus has been to evaluate the trends of cloud systems that can be utilized by the companies. It has been also possible to evaluate the trends that can be utilized if cloud systems are integrated with other technologies. Some recommendations also have been provided based on the utilization of cloud systems for the business.




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