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Twitter is a Powerful Communication Tool

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Twitter is a Powerful Communication Tool

Foremost, Twitter is a social media platform on which users post and interact. It is a persuasive communication and public relations tool because of the following reasons. One is that it enables one to use twitter lists strategically. Twitter lists can be public or private, depending on the nature of your work. Set up several lists to track what specific people and companies are saying. Lists have the added benefit of flattering users by being added to the list, while simultaneously making it easier to find relevant content. Once this is done, it will be easier to keep tabs on specific groups of people who are relevant or important to the business in their respective ways. These users can also be tweeted regularly as a form of “influencer engagement.” Lists also enable the ability to monitor the needs of journalists and bloggers, as they tend to turn to Twitter to field queries. Lists can help keep track of a growing collection of potential evangelists, community leaders, and influencers in your field, one that expands as you keep tabs on who is regularly participating in conversations around specific keywords and phrases. Another reason is that it has more 5W PR insights. Hollywood Hashtaggers Infographic: Celebrity Moms and Personal Branding on Twitter Creating the Ultimate Pinterest PR Campaign Sentiment Analysis is an Important PR Tool Integrating SEO into Public Relations Fitness Brand Public Relations The State of Public Relations Bollywood Invades Florida: Entertainment Public Relations 5 Ways Social Media Has Changed Public Relations Putting Together A Public Relations Plan Luxury Public Relations: Create Memorable PR Campaigns Public Relations to Drive Sales  How To Describe Public Relations. WHO are 5W PUBLIC RELATIONS? .Thirdly, twitter promotes integration. Another way Twitter is excellent for PR is how easy it is to integrate photo-sharing via Instagram, to tweet Pins from Pinterest, and sharing posts from Facebook. But stay creative: the point is not to merely promote content via Twitter, but to really go above and beyond in utilizing a platform that has revolutionized the way businesses and their stakeholders communicate. Next time you tack on a few hashtags to your #TGIF Tweet, consider that the world of Twitter is much larger than you may have expected, and you could be missing out on some serious PR potential. It enables one to stop using twitter’s web interface. A host of dashboards exist to help firms manage their Twitter presence, like HootSuite and Buffer. Using such dashboards, communications teams can monitor lists, schedule tweets, and participate in a range of social networks from a single place. Finally, it enables one to participate in twitter chats. Countless communications professionals have founded and curated conversations using original hashtags such as  #measurePR, #soloPR, and #journchat. Regularly participating in these conversations will help to network with peers in the field, increase exposure for invitations to guest blog posts and “appearances” on other Twitter chats, as well as offline queries from prospective clients














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