There are various types of liabilities that employees may expose the company, making it an employer’s liability to the employees. One of the liabilities may occur in job-related accidents whereby the employee may be injured in an accident within the company and may sue the company for injuries. In this case, it doesn’t matter whether the accident was caused by the negligence of the employer or that of the employee as the employee might take advantage of the tort laws to sue the company of negligence. As a result, this may cause the company out of business. One way that the owner can prevent such lawsuits is to provide necessary measures within the business to make sure that the employer is not accused of negligence in the event of an injury. Replacing broken furniture and machinery would work a great deal in reducing employee injuries. Another major liability that employees can cause a business owner may result from negligent hiring and retention. Negligent hiring liability arises from the acts that are perpetrated by the employee outside the scope of their employment. For example, a company that has hired a criminal will be made liable for the criminal behavior of that employee. The basis of liability, in this case, is that the employer acted in a careless manner in hiring a criminal for a job while they could have found someone with no criminal behaviors, and thus exposed other employees to harm. For example, the employer hired a rapist exposing all the female workers to sexual molestation. Based on this, the employer will be held liable for negligent hiring and retention. Checking the background of the employees before hiring would do a great deal in reducing negligent hiring and retention liability.
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