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  Understanding when to get a third party help

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                                       Understanding when to get a third party help.

In our world today, most people usually find themselves in the middle of conflicts which mostly lead to severe disagreements and frequent arguments that may lead to a major misunderstanding. There are situations where one needs to know when to involve a third party, especially when the conflict becomes too much stressing and emotional. One should seek for third party help whenever he or she notices that they cannot get over their ego since it affects one’s decisions. One can also request for third party help whenever he/she gets controlled by their own goals since they only work toward satisfying themselves other than solving the problem at hand.

In a conflict situation, there are specific behaviour’s that usually surface out that hinders someone from coming up with a conflict solution. Some individuals may appear to be cool with the situation, but deep down, he/she has not yet let it go. There is also the behaviour of denying or avoiding to accept the situation and everyone here pretends that there is no problem existing between them. A competitive behaviour also exists, and this is where the prevailing party, in this case, comes out the winner and creates a loser who has no way expressing their concerns which creates a bad feeling.  Collaborative behaviour is ideal in this situation since it results in a win/win situation, and everyone is satisfied at the end. A negotiating behaviour may also be observed, which is likely to result in a better outcome other than win or lose but not both win situation.

There are different ways in which interventions can be structured. First of all, the group to be involved should be considered first who include the family members or even friends. A good location where the person will be more comfortable should be chosen. The third step is to enlighten yourself with the victim’s information which will help you to know what to say and not to say. Follow up is the next step where one needs to conduct a check-up on the victim to evaluate the victim’s recovery progress. Before staging an intervention, one needs to be prepared for a worst-case scenario since the response may turn out unsuccessful at the end.








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