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United Kingdom’s healthcare organization

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United Kingdom’s healthcare organization

The management of the UK hospitals should enhance the employee capacity with the help of a new educational system, which helps to fit in the global health care industry and teaching resources. The hospitals of this country should design and use the same database to track the employees’ requirements across the hospital. The healthcare organization of this country should motivate the employees. It is crucial to analyze the organization’s working climate, which has a direct effect on the morality and motivation of the employees and the hospitals. The healthcare staffs need to require high development and opportunities for carrier planning and development. The management of the hospitals should identify, develop, and implement for the appropriate progress of the employees’ carrier. The human resource department of the United Kingdom hospitals should provide a positive working environment that affects employee morality, and the positive working condition contributes towards the employee retention of these hospitals. The working environment can affect the decision-making process about the retention of their job satisfaction and work pressure. The significant sources of work pressure are identified from leadership, management style, etc., and it has a relationship between the groups of the hospital employees. The shifting working hours and lack of reward programs are among the primary reasons for the shortage of staff in the United Kingdom’s healthcare organization. The management should improve the confidence level of the employees of the hospitals. It helps to enhance the confidence that helps the staff to provide quality services to the patients. Hospitals should have a sufficient supply of health care equipment and medicines. The nurses can provide better care to the patients if the hospitals have sufficient resources. The stress of the staff caused by the workload and the workload is the leadership problem that affects the staff’s retention in this sector. Thus the management should decrease the workload in order to increase the retention of the nursing staff.

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