unplanned pregnancy among teenagers
Some of the physiological changes that occur during puberty include the development of abstract thinking, increased ability of metacognition or introspection, and the development of sexual and personal identity (Remschmidt, 2009). Abstract thinking refers to the ability to understand the real concept such as vulnerability or freedom, but which are indirectly tied to experiences and objects. It’s also perceived as the higher-order skill of reasoning, creating things, solving problems, forming theories, putting things into perspective, and understanding concepts. Comedians are identified as experts in exploiting abstract thinking as they are capable of building humor out of unexpected connections. Introspection or metacognition is the ability of an adolescent to reflect on their behavior and thoughts. This change is greatly associated with theories of mind (mindreading) to facilitate sound decision making. During puberty, sexuality development and personal identity is a significant landmark among adolescents. Various physiological factors, such as an individual’s temperament or personality, greatly decides sexuality attitudes.
Most of the adolescent with unplanned pregnancy experience a range of reactions, which greatly influence pregnancy decision they make on continuation or termination of pregnancy. They experience depression and sadness, which ultimately leads to termination of the pregnancy or abortion to avoid shame. The available resources that might be beneficial for the adolescent with unplanned pregnancy include unplanned pregnancy counseling and adoption agencies for expectant mothers and teens (American Adoptions, 2020).
American Adoptions. (2020). American Adoptions – 5 Important Resources for Pregnant Teenagers. Americanadoptions.com. https://www.americanadoptions.com/pregnant/resources-for-pregnant-teenagers.
Remschmidt, H. (2009). Psychosocial milestones in normal puberty and adolescence. Hormone Research in Paediatrics, 41(Suppl. 2), 19-29.