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Final Test: ESL 1450/ HUMA 1745 Section B Summer 2020

Name: __Yi Yang_______________________

Part 1: Vocabulary (10 points)


Complete the sentences below containing vocabulary from the class, which is italicized. Note that the part of speech may be different from that in the study sheets.


  1. You can receive compensationwhen you are traveling and your flight gets cancelled__________________
  2. The old man felt he hadn’t been successful in his life. He felt consolation when he thought about his grandchildren because they gave him comfort____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.


  1. I usually wear red clothes. Today is an aberration: I am wearing clothes with a color that I do not usually wear_______________________


  1. Sarah told Frank she was feeling sad, and he trivializedher feelings by _acting as is her sadness was not significant.
    _____________________________________________________________________________.5. My grasp of the subject was tenuous, so it’s not surprising that I got _____an A______________
    on the test.


  1. The teachers in the school have uniformgrading policies, which the students felt _was fair.________


  1. The average salary in that field is meagre, so a lot of students _do not embark on it._______________________


  1. Hostilitybetween the two countries arose because _they had different policies. ________________________________


  1. Women often enhance their appearance by _wearing make-up to look prettier._______________________________________


  1. The girl was humiliated in front of her friends when an older girl  shouted at her, injuring her pride__ __________________

Part 2: Short answer questions (22 points)


You can use point form in your answers to the questions below.


  1. According to Berry in “Research on multiculturalism in Canada”, what are the two main goals of Canada’s multiculturalism policy and how do most Canadians feel about immigrants? How does this attitude compare to attitudes in your native country? (4 points)
  • Most Canadians are okay with multiculturalism policy.
  • The two primary goals of Canada’s multiculturalism policy were: support for the maintenance and development of cultural communities and the promotion of intercultural contact.
  • The attitudes in my native country are different from those of the Canadians.


  1. What are two criticisms Bissoondath makes of multiculturalism in Canada in “The simplification of culture”? What is your response to those criticisms? (4 points)
  • the first criticism of multiculturalism in Canada is that it “encourages the devaluation of that which it claims to wish to protect and promote.” Bissoondath was trying to prove that most immigrants often assimilate into Canadian culture and leave their culture behind. The criticism is a reasonable one. It is true that people often take up the culture of the people they go to.
  • Bissoondath also criticizes it by saying that discrimination is unavoidable where multiple cultures are concerned. The discrimination that people from other cultures face is the main reason a change in their cultural activities. I agree with Bissoondath. While social cohesion is attainable, stereotypes will often exist when the cultures are different. Thus, discrimination is inevitable. However, when two cultures coexist, they can learn from each other and exist peacefully.


  1. What actions did the Canadian government take in committing cultural genocide on the Aboriginal people of the country, according to “Honouring the truth, reconciling for the future: Summary of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada? Name three actions. Do you feel there is any way to reverse the effects of these actions?  (4 points)
  • The actions taken included the separation of children from their families, putting them in residential schools, eliminating aboriginal governments, and asserting control over indigenous land.
  • These actions were very harsh on the aboriginal people. They cannot be reversed. However, the government’s initiative to have reconciliation through the implementation of the calls of action can be instrumental.


  1. What are the three features of indigenous approaches in education, according to “Old ways are a new way forward,” by Restoule and Chaw-win-is? Do you think they could be applied in mainstream education? (4 points)
  • The features include Parental/guardian involvement, commitment to the environment, and safe classroom leadership.
  • They could be used in mainstream education. The three features listed above could be very important when applied to mainstream education since they are the attributes of an involved education system.


  1. What conditions of Indian residential schools are shown in the film “Where the spirit lives,” directed/produced by Pittman, Young Leckie, Haldane, and Jordan? Name three conditions. What impact do you think they would have on a student’s ability to learn? (4 points)
  • The conditions that existed included students were forced to adopt the western euro-centric culture and learn English, Heavy ridicule of the students that did not follow the culture and heavy punishments for the ones that tried to escape.
  • The environment presented to the students was not a friendly one, so they probably did not study well, considering the environment was completely new.


  1. Select two of the key concepts covered in the course from the glossary link in Week 14 of the Moodle site for the course and explain the connection or relationship between the concepts. (2 points)

Assimilation refers to the absorption of one culture into another one, while multiculturalism refers to the coexistence of different cultures. Sometimes, when two cultures coexist, one ends up getting absorbed into the other culture.


Part 3: Style in writing (8 points)


The paragraph below contains problems with academic style (not grammar). Rewrite the paragraph, highlighting or underlining the changes you have made.


The coronavirus has revealed the failures of our expensive, market-based system for developing treatments. COVID-19 is one of the outbreaks mankind has seen over the past 20 years. In the current system where the government stimulates the private-sector development, has resulted in the 18-month window that you can now anticipate before widespread treatment availability. Private pharmaceutical firms will not prioritize treatment for a future public health emergency until its profitability is assured, and that is far too late to prevent mass disruption. The reality of fragile supply chains for active pharmaceutical ingredients and public outrage over the limited availability of new treatments. have led to an emerging consensus that the public sector must take more responsibility for the development, manufacture, and distribution of treatments. More involvement of the public sector would result in greater public access to coronavirus treatments.

(modified from:


Part 4: Essay writing (30 points)


Write an essay of 500-600 words on one of the choices below. Your essay should be based on your own ideas and refer to materials from the class, using APA style. A separate references page is not necessary. Make sure your essay has a good thesis statement and topic sentences.


  1. Assess how well multiculturalism has worked in Canada based on the experiences of immigrants in this country.


In your essay, refer to “A primer on accent discrimination in the Canadian context,” by M. Munro; “The Simplification of culture”, by N. Bissoondath; and/or “Research on multiculturalism in Canada”, by J. Berry.


Multiculturalism is a common concept in Canada. It refers to the presence of different communities with different cultures and ethnic origins. Canada is a country that has many cultures that have to interact with one another. It is made up of the English, Native, French, Germans, Ukrainians, Scottish, and Irish. All the categories of immigrants in Canada have different accents and different cultures. To some extent, multiculturalism has worked for Canada. While immigrants can be discriminated against the moment they speak and their accents betray their origins, the steps taken by the government to promote multiculturalism have gone a long way in promoting social cohesion in Canada and giving immigrants a peaceful stay.


The accent can be used to identify where a person comes from, especially when the person is a second language user. When a child moves to another area that speaks a different language from the one they spoke where they were born, they are likely to talk in a different accent. The immigrants that reside in Canada can, therefore, be easily identified based on their accent.


Multiculturalism is a flawed concept since it gives the idea that all cultures can exist peacefully without any conflict or assimilation. However, with the existence of stereotypes, this is completely impossible. Most immigrants cannot be differentiated until they speak. Their speech is the first indicator that they are not natives of the area. An accent immediately invokes the stereotypes that exist about a particular group of people. If there are prejudices held against that particular group, then the person with the accent will get discriminated against. In other cases, the person with a different accent often needs to fit in and end up adopting the residents’ culture.


According to Berry, a lot of efforts have been made by the Canadian government to promote multiculturalism among the citizens of Canada. One of the efforts has been to create policies that promote social cohesion among different cultures. These policies were received well by Canadian citizens, so much that most Canadians support the continuation of the multiculturalism policies.


It is never easy to accept new cultures into your own. While there are some hitches in multiculturalism because of the stereotypes that every community has of the other, Canada has been successful in implementing the policies of multiculturalism. Critics such as Bissoondath suggested that multiculturalism often harms what it tries to protect. That most immigrants tend to take up the Canadian culture and forget all about their culture. More often than not, immigrants feel like they have to fit in the community, which makes them try to change their accent or even cultural practices to look more like the practices of the people in Canada. Bissoondath is right to suggest that multiculturalism can lead to the loss of the immigrants’ culture. However, there is so much more that has been achieved. The combination of government efforts to create policies to enhance social cohesion and the people’s willingness to understand and implement the strategies have created many success stories of Multiculturalism in Canada.

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