Web Page Development Proposal
1.0 Executive Summary
This proposal is intended to explain how the development of a web page will help Bliss Vehicle and Parts limited company to achieve digital growth. The business being proposed is the development of an online service available through a website or a web page for clients to view your products, services as well as placing orders. Currently, your company deals with physical means of transacting, which forces the management to hire many workers, and this may not be economical to the company. The application seeks to change this by incorporating technology in the daily operations by allowing them to organize their work and information in the online platform. This idea has been beneficial in the organizations we have partnered before. This web page will allow you to expose your brand to global audiences via search engines (Ismail et al. 2017, p.213). Therefore, this idea is of great help if the management considers it in totality because it will boost lead generation and deploy content marketing to build brand awareness and authority across the globe.
2.0 Introduction
The business concept is the development of a webpage. The services that will be provided will be an easy platform to record your new products, services and outlets across the globe, the organizations we partner with, and a quick reference to similar. Besides, the website will provide information on their potential customers about the products we deal with and where to access them (Aktas et al. .2017). Initially, clients were not able to access such platforms, so it wasn’t possible to view your new products or even place orders for the same therefore having such a digital platform is a very viable venture. The targeted clients are around 3.5 million internet users across the world). Also, approximately 100million students are admitted to tertiary institutions which makes the idea suitable as the target customers are continually growing yearly.
The idea qualifies under the categorization of “webpage development”, this is because it ensures clients are in a position to purchase your products and services remotely. The platform will ensure ease in communication with clients and easier management of the organization’s activities. Therefore, the development of this web page represents a business opportunity that has been implemented previously and as proved profitable in the new market. The web page will have a ready market given a large number of clients across the world whose movements have been limited by the prevailing coronavirus pandemic and the need to ease their operations as it will cut costs of their business operations.
The product being introduced is to ensure that vehicle buyers no longer need to travel to place orders or instead buy vehicles or spare parts from your factories. The web page is developed specifically to help buyers, and vehicle assembling firms in the management of their operations and Bliss Vehicle and Parts limited in transacting effectively. Besides, it has a simple user interface, thereby making it easy for non-technical clients to use the web page effectively without any need for technical assistance. Therefore, buyers will no longer spend time or money in travelling from different corners of the globe to buy your products as they will log in your website, view the products from the new web page, and place orders.
3.0 Issues and Customers
As identified, most of your clients rely on physical presence in your offices anytime they want to view or purchase your products. Due to this, you are often forced to spend a lot of time searching for a given spare part as well dealing with long queues of customers, and the company also hire more staff to manage the rising number of consumers. New employees’ fresh from college and interns who have worked on online platforms in other organizations are also forced to serve a large number of clients which repel their interests in working with you. Doing so reduces their productivity since they are engaged in activities that do not help in the development of their careers.
it is also noted that senior officers in your company such as the Directors and the C.E.O.s are also forced to work long hours on their daily audit using different information that has to be sourced from different places generated by their junior officers. This information ranges from the orders placed to the orders delivered. The web page seeks to change this situation which has long been considered as the norm in many other vehicles and parts limited companies. .According to (Martinez et,.l.2019) this can be achieved through the provision of practical solutions to these challenges, such as having a centralized data for easy access. This way, users may be in a position to save orders after each enquiry, have a reminder for various other after-order services such as transport and as well know about dispatch centres in their destination countries and cities. Besides, the users will have alerts on the status of transport routes which are commonly used by the cargo shipping companies, be provided with complete details about goods on transit with their required data, and a simple and easy means of identifying them and collecting to their final destinations.
4.0 Solution Outline
Oracles Technology Limited (OTL) will build the web page using the content management system(C.M.S.). C.M.S. is used by more than 1.5 million companies in the globe, and it is known for its client-friendly measures in terms of use, security and legibility. The content management system will allow you to do the following once activated in your website:
- Easy to update new page content and images
- Integrate with the analytics software to track page, and your site performance
- Post new content in the market on your company blog once you grant those rights
As Oracles Technology Limited, we propose that you be hosted by Google Cloud Platform which uses Bluehost, which is 99.9% effective. This will ensure that your website is capable of supporting a high volume of traffic while remaining protected malicious intruders.
5.0 web page structure
Apart from your web page –pages we intend to add the following:
- Account creation page
- Sign in page
- Page three will carry all details about your products, services and a guide about the buying process.
6.0 web page integration
Oracles Technology Limited will partner with you your present integration tool. However, we propose that you allow us to use the following tools if the ones you have been using fails to produce the best experience to the consumers or during the piloting exercise if you find it necessary.
- Hevo Logo
- Marketing automation; Voracity Logo
- Microsoft
7.0 Execution Timeline
The table below shows our projected timeline for your webpage development project.
Stage completion date
Project Kickoff Meeting | 15/8/2020 |
Initial Design Wireframe | 19/8/2020 |
Page Mockups | 20/8/2020 |
Page Copy & Images | 22/8/2020 |
Functional Prototype | 25/8/2020 |
Web page Development Complete | 28/8/2020 |
Testing/Piloting | 30/8/2020 |
Web page Launch | 3/9/2020 |
Disclaimer: The dates above are estimates based on our experience on the development of such pages, while we accurately try to estimate the project timelines in every proposal we serve the right to move completion dates in response to the unforeseen delays or changes on the project requirements.
8.0 Project costs
The table below details the costs associated with this project. Invoices will be sent to Oracles Technologies on the dates indicated below, and are payable via credit card or bitcoins transfer and due on the net-30 basis.
Name | Price | Quantity | Subtotal |
Initial invoice | $210.00 | 1 | $210.00 |
Approved design invoice | $50.00 | 2 | $100.00 |
Final Invoice | $260.00 | 3 | $310.00 |
Total $310.00.
9.0 Ongoing fees
The table below shows details of the monthly fees which will begin once the page is fully launched.
Name | Price | Quantity | Subtotal |
Hosting | $45.50 | 1 | $45.50 |
Standard business ours support | $90.00 | 1 | $90.00 |
Total $135.50
10.0 Terms of the agreement
The following are terms of the agreement;
- Authorization
The Bliss Vehicle and parts limited is seeking to engage with the Oracles Technology limited as an independent contractor for the Bliss Vehicles and Parts limited web page development, deployment, hosting and support.
- Payment
The cost of the work for the Oracles Technology limited is due in accordance with the pricing table above. All payments will be made in U.S. dollars.
- Completion
Both Bliss vehicles & Parts Limited and Oracles Technology Limited should work together to complete the project promptly.The Oracles Technology limited agrees to work tirelessly and finish the project by the date you accept to agree with us.
- Assignment of the project
The Oracles Technologies Limited reserves the writes to assign subcontractors to this project to make sure the project is completed in time.
- Revision During Execution
The Bliss vehicles and Parts Limited may be changed addition fees if it decides to make changes on the agreed-upon project scope and objectives.
- Legal license
The Oracle Technology Limited warrants that the workability of this project will meet Bliss Vehicle Parts Limited’s requirements and the operation will be reasonably error-free. In no event will the Oracles Technology Limited be liable the Bliss Vehicles and Parts Limited or third party for any damages including any lost profits, lost vehicles/parts or other consequential damages arising from the inability of your workers or customers to use the website/page. However, such may not affect other provisions under this agreement thereof.
- Copyrights and trademark
The Bliss Vehicle and Parts Limited represent to the Oracles Technologies Limited and unconditionally guarantees that any elements furnished to the Oracles Technology Limited for inclusion the project are owned by the Bliss Vehicles and Parts Limited and has permission from the rightful owner to use each of the elements and hold harmless protect and defend the Oracles Technology Limited and its subcontractors from any claim or suit arising from the use of such elements furnished by the Bliss Vehicle and Parts Limited.
- Copy right to project
The Oracles Technology Limited guarantees the Bliss Vehicles and Parts Limited that all the aspects of design and construction of the project will be disclosed to them upon completion of the project in totality and the full ownership and copyright will be sole responsibility.
- Sole Agreement
The agreement contained in this contract constitutes the sole agreement between the Oracles Technologies Limited and the Bliss Vehicles and Parts Limited regarding web page project. Any additional work not specified in these contracts attracts new fees. All the prices in this contract will be honoured, as stated in the agreement.
- Initial Payment and Refund Policy
In case the Bliss Vehicles and Parts Limited halts work and applies for a refund within two .days, work completed shall be billed out at the hourly rate and deducted from the initial payment. However, if at the time of refund request work has been done beyond the amount covered by the initial payment the Bliss Vehicles and Parts limited shall be liable to pay for all work completed at the hourly rate stated above.
Oracles Technology Limited
Official stamp
The Bliss Vehicles and Parts Limited
Official stamp
Ismail, S. I., Abdullah, R., Kar, S. A. C., Fadzal, N., Husni, H., & Omar, H. M. (2017, December). Online project evaluation and supervision system (opens) for final year project proposal development process. In 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD) (pp. 210-214). IEEE.
Martínez, D., & Ferre, X. (2019). Software Development Activities Catalogue Proposal.
Aktaş, B. M., & Veryeri Alaca, I. (2017). The Co-Knitting Project: A Proposal to Revive Traditional Handmade Socks in Turkey. The Journal of Modern Craft, 10(3), 237-256.