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What are the principles of 21st Century Skills?

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What are the principles of 21st Century Skills?

21st-century skills are those skills and abilities which are required criteria to succeed in the 21st society and workplaces. It is all part of the growing international movement, which focuses students on these skills so that they can succeed in the future. These skills are mostly the outcome of experimental and experienced learning through observing, understanding, practicing, experimenting and experiencing.


  • 4Cs: Critical Thinking, Creativity & Innovation, Collaboration, Communication
  • IMT: Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Technology Literacy
  • FLIPS: Flexibility and Adaptability, Leadership and Responsibility, Initiative and Self-Direction, Social and Cross-Cultural Interaction.

Seven Principle 21st-century skills, according to Wagner (2010) to be prepared for 21st-century life are:

ü Critical thinking and problem solving

ü Collaboration and leadership

ü Agility and adaptability

ü Initiative and entrepreneurialism

ü Effective oral and written communication

ü Accessing and analyzing information

ü Curiosity and imagination

How do the 21st Century skills impact your teaching or your beliefs about teaching? With the rise of digital technology, all students have access to them, which can open limitless possibilities. Instead of not allowing mobile phones in class, students should be encouraged to view their devices as valuable tools that support and expands their knowledge rather than distractions. For teachers, it means to change their instructional design and teaching pattern. They have to shift from individual tasks to collaborative tasks done together. You have to design ways to make collaborative learning more effective and efficient and encouraging tasks like debates, discussions, problem-solving and reflection. As it was used to be in the past, teachers are not going to be the only source of knowledge; students will be learning from various technologies and each other. Learning is no more passive and limited to taking notes and listening to teachers, and now students have different expectations, which involve visuals, graphics and presentations. They will turn to teachers for guidance and doubts, but we need to understand that we are there to empower students by giving them the skills they need not control or force them. Books are not the only source of knowledge these days. Therefore teachers need to design a balanced educational plan including animations, assessments, videos, books and other media.

The education system of the 21st century has changed significantly as the present system emphasis on life and career skills. This shift in paradigm has led to a change in many teaching practices and beliefs. Now in the 21st century, the role of the teacher is to improve sustainable education and inspire and guide students to increase employability skills, expanding their minds towards critical thinking and creativity. Most valuable skills that need to be present in students for their successful career and future are represented by these 4C’s:

ü Critical thinking

ü Communication

ü Collaboration

ü Creativity


  • Which skill is the most important or critical for students to learn in

Order to be successful?

From my perspective, Life skills are fundamental to become successful in the future. Life skills such as Flexibility, Adaptability, Leadership, Responsibility, Initiative and Self-Direction, Social and Cross-Cultural Interaction are essential to leading a good, happy and successful life. Other skills such as learning and literacy skills are also essential for leading full-fledged life, but it won’t serve any good without life skills.


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