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What does the umbrella insurance cover?

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What does the umbrella insurance cover?

If you have been sued or held liable for an accident that you caused in Arkansas, the chances are that you have an idea of how tough things can get financially. Umbrella insurance or extra liability coverage is designed to provide additional liability coverage and protect you financially. It is an all-round policy that tops your basic policies such as home, auto, and boat.


The most significant advantage of umbrella insurance is that it offers coverage on areas that are usually neglected by other standard policies like home insurance. We are held liable over every aspect of our lives, including mistakes that, at times, may not be our fault. Umbrella insurance ensures that you are financially prepared when such incidents happen. Some of those incidents include:


  • False arrest, detention, and imprisonment
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Wrongful eviction
  • Slander, defamation or libel


Who can buy umbrella insurance?


Umbrella insurance is essential coverage for everyone in Arkansas. Accidents don’t choose, and when they happen, no one knows the amount of financial loss that may result. For instance, if you caused an accident, the other party may decide to sue you for the injuries, and that’s where umbrella insurance comes in. However, it is critical to note that umbrella insurance can only be used if the basic policies have been depleted. At Adams Insurance & Financial, we recommend buying umbrella insurance, especially if you own huge assets and own businesses.


How much coverage do I need


Personal umbrella insurance is a unique coverage as it takes care of your liability needs. Therefore, it may be challenging to determine how much insurance you should buy in order to be adequately covered. However, a lot of liability revolves around people. If you run a business where you interact with customers directly, own a rental property, have a big family, or own various assets, you are a higher risk of getting slapped with a lawsuit. If you can assess such factors, you may have an estimate of how much coverage is adequate for you.


For more information, visit us at Adams Insurance & Financial in Fayetteville AR today!






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