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What is decreased productivity?

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What is decreased productivity?


In the workplace, decreased productivity can refer to a condition in which workers, who efficiently completed their tasks, now struggle with doing the same. When productivity in a workplace decreases, it can have several negative impacts on the company, such as its worker morale and profitability.


What causes poor productivity?


Here are some of the things that can cause reduced productivity in work areas.

  1. Lack of worker morale
  2. Having a bad boss or manager.
  3. Poor fitness of employees
  4. Making poor eating decisions
  5. Poor health insurance
  6. Lack of a healthy community at work
  7. Poor communication between workers and managers.
  8. Poor lighting and substandard furniture


How do you overcome low productivity?


You can overcome low productivity by implementing these steps:


Allot fixed time for each task

Take frequent breaks

Set deadlines for each errand

Focus on one task at a time

Turn off your phone to stop yourself from being distracted

Have plants in your workplace


Why is productivity important?


When the production process is increased, the output can go up. By increasing the input process, one can have growth in productivity. An upsurge in productivity means one can effectively increase their output without an increment in the time and cost it takes to produce the goods or services.


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