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Workplace Assessment

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Workplace Assessment

The workplace environment is a crucial aspect when assessing the performance of employees. Several factors are responsible for the output from investing in a particular workplace. Environmental assessment is essential in touring the workplace in a bid to come up with a better understanding concerning the setting within which employees work. Also, the factors in and around the workplace are assessed to check their impact on the performance of employees and the overall output from the activities carried out in the workplace. Employee health is particularly a crucial aspect in the workplace, and the assessment of the built environment gives a brighter idea concerning the interaction between the employees and the physical environment in the workplace.

The workplace environment revolves around what employees give to their field of operation and the impact that the environment affects the employees. The case in a clinic is a case among several other instances in which employees create an environment that impacts the performance of each other (Marshall & Broome, 2017). Personal relationships in the workplace go a long way in determining the potential achieved by an individual, while undertaking their daily chores. Unfriendly workmates may be the reason why an employee will not work to their maximum potential. Also, cases such as bullying are rampant in workplaces that are not regulated by sufficient management restrictions. When employees are exposed to such instances as bullying from senior officials, they end up becoming demoralized and fail to achieve most of the goals that they would gain if the environment was friendly. For example, the shouting from the surgical technician in the clinic created an environment of hostility, although the case was later solved. Such cases may turn out ugly if the involved individuals are not patient with each other and may end up affecting the entire workplace activities.

A comparison between environments in workplaces offers a reliable foundation for making decisions on career choice. I, therefore, completed a Healthy Workplace Inventory, and the result was a low score of twenty-six. First, I was not confident and needed to do further probing to ascertain the score. One of the most surprising things in the examination was that staff members had negative criticism of their fellow staff members. Next, the reaction from the surgical technician was surprising in that cooperation was required in the delivery of services. However, the method used to solve the disagreement was crucial in avoiding further conflicts that would compromise the delivery of service in the clinic.


The healthcare sector is associated with several challenges that come up with heavy duties in the clinics. Nurses have a difficult time in their areas of work and generally have a negative relationship with their workmates. Clark (2015) did research on the conversations that are required to enhance workplace relationships. The significance of conversations plays a crucial role in improving the way employees address the challenges in their field of operation without infringing on the rights of each other. Employees who do not master the art of communication face several challenges due to the lack of assistance that would be obtained from fellow workers. Nurses who lack communication skills appear to be rude and disrespectful.

Moreover, the nursing sector is regulated by several ethical standards that are put across by the American Nurses Association. Clark claims that ethical standards are aimed at creating a safe working environment. Nurses are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity. The occurrence of conflicts in nurses should be treated with civility and should not be allowed to create unnecessary complications. The article by Clark reflects the case that occurred between and a coworker. The surgical technician reacted against the code of ethics. Although the fact that the technician was tired could be used to justify the reaction observed, the code of ethics in the nursing sector requires that overreaction is not necessary. Also, the attempt to force another staff into carrying unnecessary activities could be viewed as a form of bullying. Generally, the action that I took to avoid a confrontation was based on respect for the nursing code of ethics. I preferred maintaining the respect between the technician and me and preferred.

Communications in the nursing sector tend to be challenging over the years. Griffin & Clark (2014) researched the required attempts to improve civility, reduce bullying, and workplace mobbing. Intimidating behaviors in the nursing sector affect the way services are offered in the sector. Incivility occurs where an individual engages in disruptive behaviors that may cause physiological distress towards the people involved. Generally, incivility affects the way people treat each other, while undertaking daily activities. For example, activities such as eye-rolling and making demeaning remarks lowers the confidence of coworkers and affects their delivery of services. The impacts of incivility are felt when they repeatedly occur over time and may not be noticed over a short-time. The article by Griffin & Clark (2014) is related to the case in that the surgical technician had repeatedly similarly engaged me. The treatment was becoming a put-off every time I was assigned on duty to work alongside the technician.

Bullying is not generally different from incivility. Individuals who continuously engage in demeaning behaviors and hurtful words are said to be bullies. Bullying does not have any benefit in the workplace since workers develop negative attitudes against people with bullying behavior. Also, Clark and Griffin address the issue of bullying, and the role played by senior officials in allowing for the continued bullying in the healthcare sector. The issue of workplace mobbing, however, does not apply in the clinic case. The surgical technician does not collaborate with other staff to carry out bullying on other staff. However, the manager attempts to take sides with the technician to depict me as the wrong party in the conflict. Also, the solution obtained in the discussion, thereafter, avoids the potential crisis and protects the relationship between the surgical technician and me.


The healthcare sector requires a smooth flow of information and a healthy relationship between employees. Employees who respect each other deliver excellent services and do not engage in unnecessary conflicts. The existence of negative traits among employees in the healthcare sector should be addressed with caution to avoid worsening the situation. Generally, the issue of negative traits of employees causes challenges among managers because addressing such issues may be costly if not treated with caution. For example, employees may rebel if the management addresses the issue by making the offenders feel threatened. Also, the offenders should be engaged to show them the need to treat their counterparts with respect and dignity. Moreover, cognitive rehearsal is essential in creative intervention measures and takes consideration of the possible consequences in case of any course of action.

Cognitive rehearsal involves coming up with strategies to intervene in addressing the negative traits. Griffin & Clark (2014) propose cognitive rehearsal as a method of sensitizing employees concerning the need to respect each other in the workplace. The cognitive rehearsal approach is based on the idea of informing employees of the negative impacts of bullying and other workplace vices. The first stage of cognitive rehearsal involves gaining knowledge of the vices in the workplace. Generally, having sufficient knowledge of a problem provides sufficient information to ensure that practical solutions are obtained. Generally, cognitive rehearsal involves using an evidence-based approach to create an environment for confronting offenders without leaving a chance for complaints. When individuals are confronted with evidence to support the claim makes them guilty, and they make efforts to change.

Moreover, the use of scripts and roll-plays can be used to improve communication among employees. The lack of communication creates an environment for freedom of workplace vices. Also, the scripts will positively improve the relationship between employees and hence reducing the cases of bullying and mobbing. Generally, the workplace asks for total attention to ensure that all the employees are allowed to operate to full potential.

In sum, the workplace environment should be assessed to ensure that employees operate without unnoticed challenges. Vices such as bullying and workplace mobbing affect the operation ability of employees and may reduce the overall output from employees. Intervention strategies should be applied to ensure that employees do not suffer from unnecessary pressure due to workplace vices.




Clark, C. M. (2015). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace. American        Nurse Today, 10(11), 18–23. Retrieved from            content/uploads/2015/11/ant11-CE-Civility-1023.pdf

Griffin, M., & Clark, C. M. (2014). Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against          incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(12), 535–542. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141122-02

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert   clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.


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