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YouTube Fitness Videos

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Technology has made such an impact in the society since the announcement of lockdowns in different parts of the world. Technology has made it possible for companies to keep operating through platforms like online meeting forums, e-commerce sites, and communication platforms, among others. The tech sector has also made it possible for people to maintain healthy, fit, and active lives while observing the regulations set forth. Below are some ways in which technology has helped people stay fit and healthy during lockdown;

  1. YouTube Fitness Videos

Following the stay at home orders, lockdowns, and social distancing regulations, businesses like gyms had to shut down. The reason is that people were not allowed to leave their homes, and even if they were, the facilities would have to cut down on the number of clients they take per session. Financial constraints triggered by the epidemic also led people to abandon expenses like the gym.

However, free YouTube fitness videos have come in handy. The videos are available to anyone with a gadget that can access the internet. They are easy to follow, and they are also very effective when they are followed keenly. The videos have helped thousands of people stay fit and healthy without leaving the house, needing an instructor, or any equipment. Research shows that there has been an upsurge in the number of views for fitness and workout YouTube videos since the lockdown. There has also been an increase in the number of fitness posts.

  1. FitBits

Fitbits are designed to track the physical activity of the wearer. Some versions also feature a technology that can help track certain health aspects of the wearer. For instance, some Fitbits track the heart rate. These devices have come in handy because they help people stay in touch with their health. They also help people meet their daily fitness goals even when they are at home by providing them with the necessary push.

  1. Mobile Apps

During the lockdown, apps have become very popular. From game apps to fitness apps, these features have helped keep people busy while staying at home. Fitness apps have provided people with a means to exercise at home. These fitness apps offer simple to follow instructions and illustrations that users use to exercise at home. They are also designed in such a way that they can be used to track the progress of the users. Through these apps, people can meet their fitness goals in the comfort of their homes. Most of these apps are free and can be accessed by anyone. Even the ones that have to be paid for are relatively cheap. Physical activity not only assists with physical health, but it also helps maintain mental wellness as well.

In addition to the fitness apps, there are also diet apps that work hand in hand with them to help users keep healthy during the lockdown. The apps help users keep track of their calorie intake and provide tips for healthy eating. These apps have significantly improved people’s stay away from unhealthy eating habits while cooped up in their houses. The apps also keep track of the expended calorie count and help to create a weight loss graph.

  1. Fitness gadgets

Technology has also seen the production of gadgets like electric scooters that can be used within the home. The devices can be used to maintain fitness at home. There are also inexpensive gym gadgets that can be used at home without any professional instructions like treadmills. Even the smallest equipment, like free weights, dumbbells, resistance bands, and skipping ropes, can assist significantly.

  1. Social media

Social media has also been a powerful fitness tool. Fitness and health experts have taken to social media platforms to share their knowledge and advice with their followers. Through these platforms, the experts have been able to inspire more people to take active steps towards wellness and fitness. Users on different platforms have also taken the opportunity to share their fitness journeys and encourage each other to wake up and do something about their fitness and health. Therefore, social media has helped people stay healthy and fit during the lockdown.



Technology has also made it possible for people to maintain sanity during lockdown through things like entertainment, online communication, and meditation apps, among others. Without these aspects, the lockdown would have been intolerable for many people.

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