Conclusion and recommendation. 11
Learning emerges with an interaction between student and teacher. This largely depends on the interest and resources used by the student to learn in an environment that is in school learning and out of school learning. Learning a language depends on several settings that reflect and are equally important to focus on language learning. English language learning perspective is mostly the primary criterion for students as students need to deal outside the class and communicate with each other. The language learning environment consists of in-class and out class learning (Becker, 1972). The role of autonomy is an essential criterion while interacting with others in a specific situation. Out of class learning is a central requirement for a student to learn a new language and practice in a manner that fills the gap of second language learning.
The current independent inquiry project aims to understand how Chinese people who are learning English as a second language interact with spatial elements, cultural, social and educational environments. The inquiry project is based on the methods used to identify the results of observation and interview of Chinese people while interacting with others in sports club, pubs, libraries, restaurants and canteen. The report consists of my research that deals with second language learning from out of the class learning perspective. There is a comparison between the in-class learning and outclass learning environment of Chinese people while learning English. Two methods are applied to find the results and discuss the analysis. The methods are observation method and interview method that depict the overall result of out of the class learning of the English language by Chinese people.
Literature review
Beyond the classroom
Language learning beyond the classroom is a significant aspect of centrally concerning the location, formality, pedagogy, and locus of control. The four elements are called dimensions of LLBC Language learning based in the classroom (Benson & Reinders, 2011). Location is one such dimension that is based on in-class or out of the class learning; formality deals with formal or informal learning, pedagogy consists of instructed or self-instructed learning while locus of control ensures directed or autonomous learning. Out of class activities are generally informal and are independent of what the students learn apart from in the class learning (Altiner, 2018). There are additional programs that are carried out by the school in terms of extramural activities that are not categorized to out of class learning. The research regarding out of the class learning leads to learning beyond the class. People are primarily focusing on learning which can be informal learning and formal learning that matter in overall learning. Public pedagogy is called the informal space of learning, which describes the internet, parks, museums and popular culture (Hughes, Krug & Vye, 2011). Hence, schools are not only the basis of learning, but other informal teaching activities help in learning new things. In-class learning is not sufficient, thereby students learn with several different means to gain knowledge.
Autonomous learning is concerned with self-directed or independent learning. These terms are used to signify learning without the help of an educator or a teacher. For the instructed course, individuals should prefer learning from out of the class (Bekerman, 2006). The concept of autonomy largely depends on an individual as to opt for which kind of teaching to be adopted and what principles to be followed to participate or engage in learning. For English language learning, several individuals find a difficult time interacting with other individuals (Hyland, 2004). It seems that English is a compulsory language to be used in the school curriculum; thereby, it is advisory to focus on English as a second language learning for Chinese people. Several activities include as a matter of self-directed and self-improvement in learning English as a secondary language. Thereby it appears as a great interest of the individual to learn English while working on several activities with the help of online sites (Liu, 2013). The locus of control while learning the language is highly variable. It is thereby a good deal of interest in an individual to learn a style that is compulsory in school.
Social network
Social networks mostly represent friends and family that help in language learning. With the help of these networks, there is a change in the learning process while adopting change in actions and activities that facilitate learning. These are even called an advice network or community network which communicate beyond the classroom and guide individual to provide language learning assistance. These are significant supporters of individuals who build a relationship and clarify the learning process that creates channels of information (Lamb, 2004). An individual sets the goal and norms to focus on the network connection that supports and builds a relationship. However, there is a significant reliance on closed networks that bring change in the learning and growth of cliques (Lamb, 2011). The other term used for the learning process from the system is bonding social capital which depicts the group contact and ensures learning between the groups. Many people depend on network support and prefer learning from group activities and sessions (Maros & Saad, 2016). These groups are even called learning communities that help in learning and providing resources that are based on group learning. Learning in the classroom is different as the significant role impacts learning is the teaching method and pedagogy that teachers use in English language learning. A contrast of learning is observed between in the class learning and out of the class learning. The specific curriculum is found in-class learning while there are no boundaries in learning out of class learning.
The main aim of the inquiry project is to analyse the Chinese students English learning resource that is based on out of class learning environment. I have worked on the two methods that will help me to gain knowledge about the learning environment adopted by my Chinese friends to learn English as their second language learning. The English language is important in the school curriculum in Australia, thereby the way that my Chinese friends learn English is depicted in the research analysis. The two methods I have used in the analysis of out of class learning behaviour of Chinese friends in learning English are observations and interviews. There are observations regarding how my Chinese friends communicate outside the classroom in movie theatres, sports ground, pubs, restaurants, and canteen. Five areas are observed in this method.
In the next method that depicts the interview process, there are eight questions asked from 5 respondents. The respondents are asked about the activities they perform in English language learning and other related questions. I have interviewed five Chinese friends who are interested in learning in class English learning language and out of the class English learning language. The major source of information is connected with the use of social media and another platform to learn English that is necessary for the school curriculum.
Results and analysis
I have observed five of my friends in several areas while learning the English language. The main areas of consideration are sports ground, movie theatres, pubs, canteen and library.
Chinese student | Gender | Major | Observation: Sports ground | Observation: Movie | Observation: Pubs | Observation: Library | Observation: Canteen |
1 | Male | Business | I observed that the student was good at communicating the English language while learning the same from a coach in a basketball tournament. This improves English language learning. | I observed that the student learnt English while watching English movies with subtitles to work on pronunciation and grammar. | I observed that in pubs, the student used to communicate in the Chinese language with Chinese friends while with others it was a compulsion to speak in English | I found that the student learnt a lot while reading books with English and Chinese translation. | I observed that the student used the English language while communicating with friends |
2 | Male | Business | I found that student used English with friends in football ground but could not communicate well | I observed that the student is not interested in English movies | I observed that the student does not visit the pubs due to poor English | I observed that the student is reading English books to learn from beyond the class | I observed that the student does not talk much and orders food with gestures |
3 | Male | Physics | I observed that student speaks English very well with competitors and learns from the conversation | I observed that student is trying to learn English while watching Chinese movies in English | I observed that student is interested and is willing to learn English due to the club environment | I observed that student does not visit the library | I saw that the student is engaged in learning English as there are friends in the canteen who meet to discuss specific topics every day |
4 | Female | Hotel management | I observed that the student does not use the English language and does not talk frequently | I observed that the student is only interested in Chinese movies | I observed that the student is visiting a pub and has a group of English friends who help her to learn English as they communicate in English | I observed that the student takes help from friends to find out books will help in English language learning | I observed that the student is engaged in her routine activity and has no response to people |
5 | Female | Business | I observed that the student cannot communicate well with the team members in football team | I observed that the student is much interested in listening English and learning | I observed that student is not concerned in learning English and just enjoys in the pub | I observed that the student has gone through grammar books to improve English grammar | I observed that the student is keen to talk in the English language when people meet in the canteen. |
Interview table
Interview questions | Participant 1 | Participant 2 | Participant 3 | Participant 4 | Participant 5 |
Why there is a need to learn English? | It is important to learn English as it is included in the school curriculum | English is the primary language that is essential in any area | English is the prime language that I am learning with interest and confidence | English is the primary learning language which guides the future of a student | It is essential to learn English as it is depicting in the school curriculum |
What do you do outside the classroom to learn English? | I visit the library to learn English and speak in English at the canteen | To learn English, I watch movies with English subtitles | Outside the class, I go to pubs and restaurants | I watch the news at home and learn English | I meet my friends in the sports club to engage in the conversation |
How do you differentiate between thinking in English and Mandarin when present in the school environment? | It is different when I think in Mandarin and speaks English | I have noticed that I lack English thinking | It is tough to express words with feelings in the English language | I feel comfortable while thinking and talking in English and Mandarin | I guess I should work on next level to think and to speak in English |
Do you practice speaking English outside the class? | I do practice speaking English outside the class | I do practice English outside the class | I rarely practise English outside the class | I mostly practice speaking English | I do practice English outside the class |
Are you comfortable in speaking English at beginners level English? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Do you accept inputs from classmates? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Do you take learning input, or do you get demotivate? | I work on the input | I work accordingly | I work on my conditions | I work on the learning input | I work as per the learning input |
Do you learn English while watching TV shows and movies? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
I have worked on two methods, such as observational method and interview method that depicts the English language learning of my Chinese friends. These observations mostly describe that my Chinese friends learn English while visiting the library, pubs, theatres, canteen and sports club. Interacting with other people in these areas has helped them to gain knowledge and interest in English language learning. Thereby, I have gained experience that Chinese people learn English out of the classroom. The interview method helped me to gain understanding about how Chinese people are interested in learning English and accept input from friends and work accordingly.
The research regarding learning out of the classroom depicts that there are individuals who learn English with the help of social networks that help them to present the importance of learning. Learning beyond the classroom is learning from the network, resources help and parents help (Barron, 2006). Social networking is an easy way to learn English as it has online studies that help in grammar and pronunciation of words. Netflix is one such streaming platform that helps in English learning (Schugurensky, 2000). A major influence of social media these days is from Netflix that presents a motivating role for students in learning English. In the current research and analysis, the major aspect of English learning for Chinese students is to visit the library, visit pubs, communicate with friends in a sports club and have a visit to the canteen that has a discussion session for a topic in a group. The current research and the available research vary from each other but have a similar context in learning. The basic comparison is out of classroom learning. This includes the activities that are performed outside the class for learning a certain subject of interest or language (Griffiths & Oxford, 2014). Activities outside the classroom reveal the real-time difference of learning which largely depicts the role of social media in learning several aspects of life, whether it is learning language or learning activity.
Conclusion and recommendation
The inquiry project is about the results and analysis that is undertaken from the two methods such as observation method that depicts the observation of Chinese students learning English language and the other as an interview method that represents the overall questions that have been asked to mention the importance of English language and how do the students practice English language. These are primarily associated with the current studies of learning beyond the classroom. There are few recommendations to improve English language learning which will help to sharpen and provide in-depth knowledge and interest in learning English as the second learning language which is essential in the school (Yan & Xiaoqing 2009).
Recommendations for my Chinese friends in English language learning beyond the classroom are:
To use social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
To watch movies with English subtitles
To communicate within and outside the classroom in the English language
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